children's health - Page 3

10 effective tips for teaching autistic children to speak

10 effective tips for teaching autistic children to speak

Children with autism have disabilities in language development and communication skills. aFamilyToday Health will share with you 10 tips to teach autistic children to practice speaking and interacting with others.

7 things parents should keep in mind when choosing diapers for babies

7 things parents should keep in mind when choosing diapers for babies

Newborn diapers are essential as well as useful. However, not all parents know how to choose the right diaper.

Let children shower in the rain, play with mud: Should or not?

Let children shower in the rain, play with mud: Should or not?

Young children are bathed in the rain, playing with mud is not only fun, new experiences but also better resistance training.

Inguinal hernia in children and infants: What do parents need to know?

Inguinal hernia in children and infants: What do parents need to know?

Inguinal hernia in children is a congenital condition that causes discomfort and complications if left untreated.

Tell mothers how to treat headaches for children quickly and effectively

Tell mothers how to treat headaches for children quickly and effectively

There are many reasons why a child has a headache, and knowing the causes will help find the most effective headache treatment for your child.

Harm of air pollution for children

Harm of air pollution for children

The harm of air pollution is a factor that silently affects the health of children and is becoming more and more serious.

Learn weather-allergic rhinitis and good home remedies

Learn weather-allergic rhinitis and good home remedies

Weather allergic rhinitis causes symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose. See how to cure allergic rhinitis through medicine and home remedies.

What to do to make a baby with a colic feel better?

What to do to make a baby with a colic feel better?

When young children have colic, they will cry because of the discomfort. However, you can help alleviate this condition with a few simple methods.

Learn about the phenomenon of newborn teeth when your baby is born

Learn about the phenomenon of newborn teeth when your baby is born

Many people are surprised to see that the newborn baby has a newborn tooth. Some people even think that the baby has a jewel in his mouth, and he will be happy later. However, there are some problems when children have newborn teeth, you need to pay attention to monitor and take care of this tooth to promptly handle if the tooth is broken.

Parents need to know the first aid when swallowing the battery

Parents need to know the first aid when swallowing the battery

Children are always curious and active and this can pose unexpected dangers. Parents should equip themselves with first aid in emergency situations such as when the battery is swallowed.

Is crying fetus real?

Is crying fetus real?

Did you know that the fetus cries in the womb? Although it sounds strange, but this is real and scientists have discovered that. To know why your baby cries and when he cries, do not ignore the article of aFamilyToday Health.

7 warning signs that the child has gallstones

7 warning signs that the child has gallstones

Gallstones in young children are a rare condition. However, in recent years, people with gallstones have the tendency to increase, including children. The disease can have many effects on the health and development of children if it is not detected early and treated in time.

Learn first aid for a child with a choking neck

Learn first aid for a child with a choking neck

Young children often put small objects in their mouths. This can lead to a choking on the neck, blocking the airway, leading to suffocation. Without timely first aid, the child can lose consciousness and die. Therefore, it is essential to learn about first aid methods for choking children.

How to recognize the symptoms of worm infection in young children

How to recognize the symptoms of worm infection in young children

Worm infection means that the worms have entered the child's intestines. As the worm eggs hatch, the worms will continue to develop and lay more eggs in the child's body. Therefore, you need to know the symptoms of worm infection in children so that there are early treatment measures.

Is newborn sweat normal?

Is newborn sweat normal?

Newborn sweat can come from many causes, such as overheating, incomplete nervous system, congenital heart disease ...

Genital warts in children: Easy to spread but not harmful

Genital warts in children: Easy to spread but not harmful

Although genital warts in children does not affect the baby's health, they still need to be closely monitored to avoid infecting others.

Lets learn about black thorn in children

Lets learn about black thorn in children

Black thorn is a common skin pigmentation disorder, but not all parents are fully aware of the disease.

Prevent the main causes of asphyxiation in children

Prevent the main causes of asphyxiation in children

In this article, aFamilyToday Health will show you what you can take to prevent the risk of a child suffocating.

Toenail fungus disease in children: Causes and treatment

Toenail fungus disease in children: Causes and treatment

Toenail fungus in young children is an infection of the toenail through cracks in the skin and nails and often causes discomfort and itching.

A tooth abscess in a young child can be a serious medical condition that needs attention

A tooth abscess in a young child can be a serious medical condition that needs attention

Babies can have a lot of dental problems in their early years because they are not conscious of clean teeth or because parents neglect to remind them. Among these problems, tooth abscess in young children is the most common thing and you need to understand to prevent and care for your baby's teeth in time.

Overcoming language disorders in young children

Overcoming language disorders in young children

Young children often experience problems with communication, unclear voice. For some children, these problems will go away as they get older, but for some, they need to seek treatment. As a parent, it is important that you carefully observe for timely detection and treatment of language disorders for a child.

Overcoming selective silence in young children

Overcoming selective silence in young children

Selective silence is an anxiety disorder that prevents a child from communicating in specific social settings, such as at school or in public. However, children can still talk normally with relatives or friends when no one is paying attention or when they are at home.

6 frequently asked questions about anemia in children

6 frequently asked questions about anemia in children

Anemia in children is the lack of red blood cells in the body. If left untreated, the disease will have a lasting effect on the child.

Wash your baby teddy bear at home: Its easy and economical

Wash your baby teddy bear at home: Its easy and economical

If you are worried that the laundry will ruin your child's favorite toy, you can completely wash your teddy bear at home with just a few taps.

10 rain gear needed for children, have you prepared enough?

10 rain gear needed for children, have you prepared enough?

With the rainy season coming, parents should not let rainy days prevent their children from going to school. Let's prepare your child useful rain gear.

10 indispensable items in the baby bag

10 indispensable items in the baby bag

It can be said that a baby bag or diaper bag is a close friend to any nursing mother, but do you know what to bring?

10-month-old children: Development, nutrition

10-month-old children: Development, nutrition

Children 10 months old have grown about 4-6 baby teeth. The children are also very active because they will always want to explore everything around them.

Hydronephrosis in young children: a dangerous disease that parents should pay attention to

Hydronephrosis in young children: a dangerous disease that parents should pay attention to

Hydronephrosis in young children is a disease that needs to be detected early for prompt treatment before the disease turns into a stage of kidney failure. Therefore, finding out information about this disease is one of the essential things that you should do to protect your baby's health.

Be careful with incontinence in children

Be careful with incontinence in children

About 1.5% of school-age children suffer from incontinence. The general symptom of this illness is that the child has little control over his or her bowel movements. Therefore, children need treatment to avoid encountering social stigma and develop negative psychology.

Is epilepsy in children dangerous?

Is epilepsy in children dangerous?

Epilepsy in children can be frightening, but it will last less than 2 minutes and go away on its own.

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