How to recognize the symptoms of worm infection in young children

Worm infection means that the worms have entered the child's intestines. This may be due to the child's infection, walking barefoot in dirty areas, playing in dirty water, or eating unhygienic food. As the worm eggs hatch, the worms will continue to develop and lay more eggs in the child's body. Therefore, you need to know the symptoms of worm infection in children so that there are early treatment measures. 

When infected with worms, because the body must share absorption nutrients with "these uninvited guests", children are often at risk of nutrient deficiency and malnutrition . Why are children infected with worms and how to prevent them? Please join aFamilyToday Health to follow the sharing below.

Is worm infection common in young children?  

Worm infection is a fairly common and very contagious disease. However, the prevalence of this disease is difficult to determine as it often has no obvious symptoms of worm infection and is often rarely noted.


One study found that at least 1 in 5 people living in India are infected with worms. And in young children, the prevalence of the disease is even higher.

Currently helminths have many types, in which pinworms are the most affecting the youngest. The worms look like threads measuring 2 to 13mm in length and can live up to 6 weeks in the gut.

Roundworm , hookworm and whipworm are fairly common worms in India. When infected with these worms, children will feel uncomfortable. However, do not be too worried because removing these worms from the body is quite easy and quick.

Symptoms of worm infection

Usually, there aren't any symptoms of worm infection, or if they do, the symptoms are so mild that no one notices.

Depending on the type of worms a child is infected with and the severity, a child may have some of the following symptoms:


Lost weight



Bloody stools

Trouble sleeping because of itching

Vomiting or coughing

Itching or pain around the anus

Pain when urinating due to urinary tract infection . This is more common in girls

Internal bleeding can lead to anemia, reducing the ability to absorb nutrients

Diarrhea and loss of appetite

Bowel obstruction . Some children may vomit worms (usually roundworms that look like earthworms).

Severe worm infections can cause seizures

PICA syndrome - eating things that are not food, without nutrients such as soil, chalk, paper ...

Some doctors believe that teeth grinding is also a symptom of worm infection, but many studies suggest that it is not.

If the child is mild, the child will not have any symptoms of worm infection other than often complaining that he has itchy at night.

Check your child's anus at night after he has slept. Gently separate the baby's buttocks and use the monitoring light. If your child is infected with worms, you will see one or more worms crawl around clothes and sheets. You can also see worms in your child's feces.

If a child is infected with hookworms, he will have the following symptoms:

A rash, itching in the place where the worms invade


Where are helminths usually transmitted?

1. The soil is infected with worms

How to recognize the symptoms of worm infection in young children



Soil is the most common path of transmission. Children are at risk of being infected with earthworms such as hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, and whipworms.

If a person infected with the worms releases feces into the soil, the worm eggs also spread to the soil. From the eggs will develop into larvae, then worms. If a child walks barefoot or crawling on earth with worms, these larvae can get into the soles of their feet.

In addition, the worms can lurk in the nail. If children keep their hands dirty and put them in their mouths, the risk of infection will be very high.

2. Contaminated water

There are several types of worms that live in water, often found in lakes, jars or puddles. Playing, bathing and swimming in these areas or eating foods prepared from contaminated water can expose the child to worms.

Young children are often more susceptible to worms than adults due to their weak immune systems.

3. Food that is undercooked or unhygienic

Hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms often inhabit vegetables grown in earthworm infested areas. If not washed before eating, the risk of infection is very high.

Animals that live along water sources infected with worms such as fish, cattle, sheep and goats can also become infected with worms. Therefore, eating raw or undercooked meat and fish will be susceptible to worm infection.

4. Contact with people infected with worms

If a person infected with worms comes into contact with the child, they are more likely to pass the worm to the child. Pinworms are usually transmitted this way.

The worm eggs can still remain on the fingernails if a child does not wash their hands well and the worm eggs can be transferred to children's toys or directly into the mouth. These worms can live for about 3 weeks on sheets and clothes.

How do worms affect a child's development?

In the short term, some worm infections can be more troublesome than others. If left untreated, this condition will get worse and may lead to intestinal bleeding. In addition, worm infection can cause malnutrition, weight loss and anemia .

Children infected with worms are more likely to get the disease because their immune systems are weakened. Severe tapeworm infections can lead to tumors developing in the brain. Although this is quite rare, you should still be careful.

In the long term, a worm infection can affect the child's physical and intellectual development in the future. These can be prevented with timely treatment.

Testing for worm infection in young children

The best way to determine if your baby has a worm infection is to have your child checked by a doctor. The doctor will give your baby the following tests:

Stool test: The doctor will take a sample of the child's stool and send it to the lab to check for worms or worm eggs.

Adhesive tape  test : This test is done by placing a piece of tape in your child's anus to collect worm eggs. The tape is then sent to a laboratory for testing.

Under-fingernail test: The  doctor will check for worm eggs under the child's nail.

Cotton swab test: The  doctor may use a cotton swab to wipe around the child's anal area to check for worm eggs.

Ultrasound: The  test is usually done when the child has a severe worm infection. During an ultrasound, the doctor will find out the exact location of the worms.

How to treat worm infections

How to recognize the symptoms of worm infection in young children



All types of worms can be treated with medicine. The doctor will prescribe medications or methods of deworming based on the type of worms the child is infected with. Children also need iron supplements if they have anemia.

Do not buy medications or give your child herbs on your own because some anthelmintics may not be suitable for children under 2 years old. Ideally, you should consult your doctor before giving it to your child.

Worm infections can easily spread and recur. If your child has helminthiasis, the doctor will advise other family members to also take treatment, even if you do not have a worm infection, to be safe.

Prevention of worm infections for children

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that preschool children be dewormed regularly. Doctors recommend giving your child deworming every 6 months.

When they can walk, children will be very susceptible to worms. Take your child to your pediatrician for routine checkups and monitoring the worming time.

Here are a few things you can do to prevent worm infections:

Change diapers often and wash hands thoroughly after changing

Clean your home regularly with safe detergent

When your child can walk, wear shoes for them. Make sure children always wear shoes and sandals when playing outside. Wash your child's hands and feet after they are finished playing

Keep children away from dirty play areas and wet sand pits, especially during the rainy season. Contaminated water can flow anywhere

Make sure the place where your child plays is clean and dry

Do not let your child play around puddles

Teach your children to use the toilet in a clean toilet, not outside

Keep the restroom clean. Wash your child's anus every time she is finished using the toilet. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards. If your child is an adult, teach them to wash their hands right after using the toilet

Remind your family members to wash their hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet

Keep your nails short and clean. Worm eggs can lurk under a fingernail and spread throughout the home

Boil or filter the water before drinking

Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. Be careful when washing vegetables with dark green leaves, as they often contain a lot of soil

Check meat and fish before cooking to see if they are fresh or not. Cook thoroughly

If you hire a babysitter, see if they are clean or not. Have them and other family members deworming.

Worm infections can positively affect a child's immune system?

That is not certain. Some experts believe that worm infections can be good for the immune system and help protect children from allergies and autoimmune diseases. Here are some examples that demonstrate this:

A century ago, roundworm infection was quite common in England. At that time, almost nobody got sick and the rate of allergies is also lower.

A study in Uganda has found that pregnant women who take deworming pills during pregnancy are more likely to have eczema at birth.

Can probiotics help treat worm infections?

Probiotic foods like yogurt contain beneficial bacteria that are good for your child's immune system. However, there are not many studies on this at present.

Studies show that probiotics can protect children against parasites, including helminths. These studies were performed on mice and how to do this is still unclear.

There is no evidence that probiotics can treat helminths. If you choose to take them, use additional treatments that your doctor recommends.



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