
Pregnant women have leg pain during pregnancy and 4 related problems

Pregnant women have leg pain during pregnancy and 4 related problems

Pregnant women have leg pain during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. You may also experience edema, swelling or varicose veins.

What causes thrombocytopenia during pregnancy?

What causes thrombocytopenia during pregnancy?

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy does not affect the health of mother and baby much but needs to be monitored to ensure platelet count is not too low.

What should be noted during pregnancy with dengue fever?

What should be noted during pregnancy with dengue fever?

Pregnant women with dengue fever need careful monitoring and medical care to ensure the safety of both mother and child.

10 benefits of smiling for pregnant women

10 benefits of smiling for pregnant women

According to experts, the benefits of smiles for the health of pregnant women are not only mental but also physical and health of the baby in the belly.

7 signs of pre-eclampsia that every pregnant mother should know

7 signs of pre-eclampsia that every pregnant mother should know

The timely recognition of the signs of pre-eclampsia to help pregnant mothers can minimize the risk of adverse events.

What is the placenta? Really spoiled the effect of eating the placenta

What is the placenta? Really spoiled the effect of eating the placenta

The placenta is the source of energy, vitamins, minerals and nutrients to the fetus. Does eating the placenta really work miracles?

High uric acid index during pregnancy: Risks and prevention

High uric acid index during pregnancy: Risks and prevention

Pregnant mothers should be careful with the high uric acid index because it will make you suffer from pregnancy complications, thereby affecting the fetus.

Week 23

Week 23

23 weeks fetus, baby the size of a large mango fruit. The mother's movements and movements are more and more clearly felt.

12 measures to help pregnant mothers prevent pre-eclampsia

12 measures to help pregnant mothers prevent pre-eclampsia

The application of measures to prevent pre-eclampsia helps pregnant mothers partly avoid having to face this dangerous pregnancy complication.

6 reasons why pregnant mothers should eat grapefruit every day

6 reasons why pregnant mothers should eat grapefruit every day

aFamilyToday Health - Nutrition is an important factor in protecting and improving the health of pregnant women and fetuses. So is pregnant mother good to eat grapefruit?

Answering questions pregnant women in the morning shower is good or not

Answering questions pregnant women in the morning shower is good or not

During pregnancy, every activity must be done with care, even bathing should be noted. Morning baths are good or not, which shower gel should pregnant women use ... are quite common questions.

Normal postpartum delivery: Benefits and risks associated

Normal postpartum delivery: Benefits and risks associated

Normal postpartum birth (VABC) brings a lot of health benefits not only for the mother but also for the baby in the womb.

Dry eyes during pregnancy: The culprit and how to improve

Dry eyes during pregnancy: The culprit and how to improve

Dry eyes during pregnancy are uncomfortable and will interfere with daily activities without necessary care.

The cause and treatment when pregnant mothers lack amniotic fluid

The cause and treatment when pregnant mothers lack amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid is the environment for an unborn baby's survival and development until birth. Early detection of amniotic fluid abnormalities during pregnancy is extremely important. Amniotic fluid deficiency is one of the most unusual conditions of amniotic fluid, which can be dangerous to the unborn baby.

Things you need to know about high blood pressure during pregnancy

Things you need to know about high blood pressure during pregnancy

High blood pressure during pregnancy can cause many different problems. Some situations can seriously affect the fetus.

Complications of pregnancy may be encountered during pregnancy

Complications of pregnancy may be encountered during pregnancy

Learn about the following complications of twins to better protect your health and your baby's health!

How to lose weight during pregnancy to ensure the health of mother and baby?

How to lose weight during pregnancy to ensure the health of mother and baby?

Losing weight during pregnancy can stem from being overweight and needing control to avoid affecting the fetus.

Complications that pregnant mothers and fetuses can experience while pregnant with twins

Complications that pregnant mothers and fetuses can experience while pregnant with twins

When pregnant with twins, pregnant mothers should be very careful and pay more attention to health to avoid possible bad complications.

Pregnant women eat watermelon: Reduce constipation, prevent indigestion

Pregnant women eat watermelon: Reduce constipation, prevent indigestion

Many women whisper that when pregnant women eat watermelon, it is not good for the fetus because it easily causes cold stomach. However, the truth is not so true.

Major shortcomings if not done with pregnancy tests

Major shortcomings if not done with pregnancy tests

Testing during pregnancy is essential for the timely detection of potential risks to mother and baby. Major shortcoming if mom forgets the following tests.

Small tips mother elected to increase amniotic fluid when lacking amniotic fluid

Small tips mother elected to increase amniotic fluid when lacking amniotic fluid

When diagnosed with lack of amniotic fluid, pregnant mothers do not need to worry too much because if you know the ways to increase amniotic fluid, both you and your baby will still be healthy.

The secret recipe for a healthy pregnancy for pregnant mothers

The secret recipe for a healthy pregnancy for pregnant mothers

Healthy pregnancy is the wish of all pregnant women. To do this, you need to pay attention to skin care to optimize skin resistance.