7 health effects of asparagus for children

The effects of asparagus on the health of young children have been proven by many scientific studies. Therefore, many experts advise mothers to add this food to their baby's snack menu.

When babies reach the age of weaning, choosing foods for babies is always a headache for mothers. Every mother is afraid that their children are still young, choosing inappropriate foods will harm their immature digestive system. If you are in this situation, aFamilyToday Health presents you with a very good weaning vegetable, asparagus. Let's see the following shares to learn more about the effects of asparagus on the health of young children.

Asparagus - "Emperor" vegetable


There are three main types of asparagus:

Green Asparagus: The most common type of asparagus, has a more bitter taste than white and purple asparagus.

White asparagus : Similar to green asparagus, but due to its lack of exposure to light, it cannot produce chlorophyll, has a sweet, less bitter taste and is softer than green asparagus. White asparagus is fatter than green asparagus, has a high nutritional value and is also priced higher than the other two types of bamboo shoots due to a very closed production process.

Purple Asparagus: The purple color of asparagus is due to its high anthocyanins content. This type has less fiber, is softer and has a sweet, fruity aroma compared to green and white asparagus.

When can you baby eat asparagus?

When your baby is just starting to eat solids, you should not give asparagus to your baby because this vegetable can cause indigestion and bloating . Only when your baby is about 8-10 months, you should start to familiarize your baby with this vegetable.

Effects of asparagus on the health of children

Asparagus is a natural ingredient that contains many essential nutrients for the body. Young children who eat a lot of asparagus will receive health benefits such as:

Strengthen resistance, improve immune system

Young children are susceptible to infections and allergies due to the incomplete immune system. Eating a lot of asparagus will help protect your baby from these problems because asparagus contains a lot of antioxidants that can enhance the immune system. In addition, asparagus also contains a large amount of vitamins A and C, nutrients that play an important role in the production of immune cells.

Good for the digestive system

The effects of asparagus on children can also be mentioned as helping children not to suffer from intestinal diseases. The large amount of fiber present in asparagus helps support intestinal function, soften stools, and effectively prevent and treat constipation . Not only that, asparagus also contains a large amount of prebiotics, which helps to promote gut health.


Asparagus acts as a natural diuretic, helping to remove salt and fluids from the body. Therefore, adding asparagus to your child's diet can help prevent urinary tract infections .

Fight off free radicals

Asparagus contains glutathione, a compound that helps destroy free radicals that cause cell damage.

Good for eyesight

Vitamins A and D in this vegetable help children reduce the risk of eye diseases, prevent night blindness.

Prevent malnutrition

Asparagus contains a lot of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, K, C, E, B, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus ... These vitamins and minerals will play a very important role in the process. baby's developmental program, which helps to add nutrients to fight malnutrition effectively.

Good for brain development

Asparagus is rich in folic acid, a nutrient that is extremely important for brain development and cognition in children.

The nutritional value of asparagus

7 health effects of asparagus for children



100g of asparagus contains:

Carbohydrate: 12.9mg

Potassium: 202mg

Calcium: 20.7mg

Iron: 0.8mg

Vitamin A: 905IU

Vitamin C: 6.9mg

Vitamin B6; 0.01mg

Folic acid: 134 ug

Fiber: 1.8g

What foods can you combine asparagus with?

Here are some foods that you can cook with asparagus to make delicious baby foods:



Brown rice



Recipes of delicious food from asparagus for babies

You can steam or boil asparagus to make a baby food. With this method, when you buy it, you just need to wash, cut off the old stem, stripped it, chopped it and put it in a steamer or boiled until soft. In addition, you can try some of the following tips:

Beef asparagus porridge

Asparagus porridge cooked with beef is not only delicious but also contains a lot of nutrients that are good for your child's health. Beef with asparagus is an extremely perfect combination that is both good for the brain and provides energy for a healthy baby.

The ingredients need to be prepared

Rice: 20g

Asparagus: 1 sufficient amount

Butter: 1 slice of unsalted butter

Beef: 20g

Olive oil, white onion and other spices


Clean rice, put in a pot with just the right amount of water, cook over medium heat

Asparagus washed, stripped, and cut away

Beef washed, minced or chopped into small pieces

White onions are washed, peeled and put in a pan with a little oil and then scented. When the onions start to fragrant, add the beef and asparagus and stir-fry

Blend well the well-fried beef and asparagus mixture

Porridge boil, add the pureed mixture and stir well, then taste to taste with your baby. Turn off the heat, wait for the porridge to cool, then add a little oil to feed the child immediately.

Asparagus porridge cooked with shrimp and crab

7 health effects of asparagus for children



Asparagus porridge cooked with shrimp is not too complicated, but it provides many nutrients for the comprehensive development of the child.

The ingredients need to be prepared

Canned asparagus: 1 box

Rice: 20g

Crab meat: 1 medium sized

Fresh shrimp: about 20g

Cooking oil for baby food


The non-glutinous rice is washed and boiled

Crab soaked thoroughly, bring it to steam, let cool and remove the meat

Shrimp wash and peel off. Then, gently squeeze the shrimp on the back and remove the black thread, crushing the body

White onions peeled, washed, minced

Asparagus washed, drained and sliced ​​into thin pieces. Put the pot on the stove, add a little water, boil water, add salt, put asparagus in to boil

North pan on the stove, add some olive oil with white onion and non aromatic. Onions just fragrant, add shrimp, crab meat and stir-fry until cooked

When the porridge is boiling, put the cooked mixture in the pot and continue to cook. When the porridge is cooked, turn off the heat and season to taste it to your baby's taste. Wait for the porridge to cool down, you draw it into a bowl (cup), add some baby oil, let it cool and feed your baby.

Mashed asparagus

This is a simple dish, easy to make but very nutritious for your baby. Just prepare some fresh asparagus for this recipe. Then wash the asparagus with clean water and boil or steam them until the asparagus is tender. Asparagus ripe, you wait to cool down then put in a blender or puree, filter through the sieve and feed. With this recipe, if you combine it with apples, there will also be a very interesting food for your baby.

Some things to keep in mind when feeding asparagus baby

Asparagus goes bad very quickly, especially when not refrigerated, so use it as soon as possible after you've bought it or have just picked it. To store asparagus, wrap the asparagus in newspaper and store it in the refrigerator cooler.

Canned bamboo shoots are often nutritionally depleted and high in salt. Therefore, you should limit your usage.

You can freeze asparagus and it still retains vitamin C.

When choosing asparagus, choose plants that are bright in color, have a firm body, are not bruised, and do not appear moldy.

Asparagus is an easy food to cause gas, so you should avoid overeating.

If you want to feed your baby asparagus with certain foods, incorporate them with foods your baby has eaten without any problems.

At the first feeding, offer a small amount and see if your baby has allergies.

Through the above sharing, hope you have some more useful information about the benefits of asparagus for young children. Certainly, when you give your baby a taste of this dish, he will find it extremely interesting.



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