5 essential nutrients for children that every mother needs to know

5 essential nutrients for children that every mother needs to know

In order for their children to absorb nutrition well, parents must ensure their children eat a balanced diet through a healthy diet. The simple way to start solving your child's nutrition “puzzles” is to learn the basics. In this article, aFamilyToday Health shares 5 essential nutrients each day for a child's developing body.


Calcium  can make bones and teeth strong. This mineral is most important during the early years when bones are developing. Foods high in calcium include low-fat cow's milk, cheese, yogurt, some green vegetables, and fruit juices. You can feed your child low-fat yogurt, smoothies or cheese after school and between meals, and a glass of fruit juice a day will help your child increase calcium effectively.

Mothers can increase their child's calcium intake by combining low-fat milk chocolate with a banana to make a delicious smoothie for a snack or dessert.



Children need plenty of fiber every day to keep their digestive systems working. To help your child get used to the taste of high-fiber foods and possibly love them, try giving them a cup of high-fiber cereal for breakfast. Choose whole grains that provide more than 3 grams of fiber per serving. Generally, the more sugar a grain contains, the less fiber it will contain. Therefore, you should choose grains that are low in sugar and sweeten with fresh fruit.

You should offer at least 5 servings of sliced ​​fruits and vegetables a day. In addition, you should cook beans into soup or porridge, add to salads, omelets, fried eggs ... because beans contain a lot of fiber and protein.

You can try giving your baby celery dipped in peanut butter. This is a favorite snack of Western mothers to provide delicious fiber for their babies. In addition, avocados, apples, pears, broccoli, and oats are also delicious, easy-to-cook fiber-rich options.

The protein

Every cell in the body is made up of  protein , which is an essential nutrient for healthy growth and development. Animal protein is found in dairy products, eggs, seafood and meat, beans, nuts, vegetables and nuts.

Many kids love to eat eggs. Breads, omelets, and omelets are children's favorites that are packed with protein, iron and other important nutrients. The mother should feed her baby salmon or other fish files to absorb protein along with heart-healthy fatty acids.

Many mothers still do not know that adding nuts to their baby's cereals or yogurt will support the addition of healthy protein, fiber and unsaturated fats.

How do you think of a mix of dried fruits like raisins, bananas, apples or blueberries, nuts (soybeans, peanuts) and high-fiber whole grains? Your sweet baby will definitely want to try it. This snack is an excellent source of protein.

Antioxidant foods

Antioxidants help protect the child's body against harmful substances that can damage cells. You can add antioxidant-rich foods to your child's menu, such as almonds, strawberries, oranges, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, and bell peppers.

Mothers encourage children to drink orange juice, eat fruit or almonds before sports to refresh the body and provide energy. Prepare a lunch for your child to bring to school that has a lot of sliced ​​carrots, tomatoes or bell peppers. Mom can also add more tomatoes or ketchup to pizzas, pastas, slices, soups and stews.


Iron is a mineral that transports oxygen in the bloodstream and helps energize children. Many children with iron deficiency anemia do not have any signs and symptoms until the body's iron supply is depleted. As the anemia progresses, children are prone to fatigue and weakness, pale skin, fast heart rate, irritability, poor appetite, or dizziness or feeling dizzy. When you see the symptoms above, the mother should send the child to a doctor and change the iron-fortified diet for the child.

The iron supplement for children is indispensable for lean meat, eggs, fish, dark green vegetables, legumes, dried fruits and fortified cereals.

Vitamin C will help increase iron absorption so you can give your baby eggs along with drinking orange juice. You should increase dishes with spinach (spinach) because this vegetable provides a lot of iron.

With a diet full of essential nutrients for children, your child will develop comprehensively with strong bones and teeth, a stable digestive system, an oxygen-rich circulatory system and be able to maintain nutritional habits. healthy all life.


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