Benefits of eggs for children

Chicken eggs contain many nutrients that are good for your child's development. However, should children eat eggs or not? Let's find out with aFamilyToday Health .

Did you know that an egg contains 13 vitamins that are essential for your body? Not only that, but eggs are also a source of high-quality protein. It can be said that this is one of the very good foods for babies. But should young children eat eggs or not? Many people say that babies who eat eggs will have an allergic reaction. The real damage of this like? Please follow the shares below.

You should feed your baby eggs right from the moment your baby starts eating, because if you don't let your baby get acquainted with eggs early, the baby's body will automatically consider the egg as a foreign substance, thus causing allergies.


Although eggs are a very allergenic food, doctors still recommend feeding your baby early. You think feeding your baby eggs late will help protect him from the risk of allergies. This is not very true because there is no scientific evidence to support this.

• Pediatricians suggest that parents should feed their baby eggs at the age of 8 months if there is no one in the family who is allergic to eggs. If not, wait until your baby is 1 year old and then feed your baby.

• If someone in your family has an allergy to eggs, wait until your baby is 1 year old and then feed your baby. And before feeding your baby, you should consult your doctor.

When feeding your baby eggs, observe if your baby has symptoms of allergy such as diarrhea, runny nose, breathing problems ... or not.

Tips for you:

1. The first time you feed your baby, you only feed your baby a small amount.
2. Do not let your baby eat with other foods.

Benefits of eggs for children

Benefits of eggs for children



Your baby can eat one egg a day. Eggs contain high amounts of cholesterol, protein, fat and other nutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, fatty acids, vitamins D, B12, E, choline and folate. These nutrients help support brain development . In addition, eggs are also a source of high-quality protein that is very good for your baby's health.

1. Digestive system and immune system

The egg yolk is easy to digest. Not only that, it also provides many minerals such as zinc, iron and selenium to help boost the immune system. Folate helps in the production of new cells in the body. Egg whites are rich in protein, potassium, which helps cells and organs work efficiently. In addition, egg whites also contain potassium and sodium, which help maintain the balance of fluids in the body.

2. Brain development

The cholesterol and choline found in the egg yolks help with brain development. Cholesterol in eggs is the good cholesterol, it helps to reduce bad cholesterol in the body and produces many hormones. Choline helps in brain development and is also good for the heart.

3. Bone development and energy supply

The vitamins found in eggs such as vitamins D, A, E and K help develop healthy bones. Besides, protein helps to provide energy to the body. Riboflavin found in egg whites helps to release energy, thereby converting and producing red blood cells.

4. Good for the heart

Eating eggs reduces the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). In addition, eating eggs regularly also helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks. The phospholipids present in the egg yolks help maintain blood cholesterol.

5. Good for the eyes

Chicken eggs contain two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, which can protect the eyes from damage associated with UV exposure. These antioxidants help build the retina, thereby reducing the risk of developing cataracts in the future.

6. Good for the liver

Eggs contain many B vitamins that are essential for liver health. In addition, the sulfur present in eggs also helps in the production of keratin and collagen, which are very helpful for hair growth.

Which part of the egg causes allergy?

Egg whites are highly allergic, while an allergy to the yolk is quite rare. Egg whites contain up to 4 types of protein, thus causing allergies.

How to choose eggs

Benefits of eggs for children



Choose eggs fresh and stored in a cool place. How to know if the egg is fresh or not? Please note the following:
Raw eggs are eggs with very small head space, transparent inside, no black dots, no red translucent patches. You can see 2 white and red very clearly.
♦ If put in water, fresh eggs will sink to the perineum and horizontal, while the old eggs will float, lie slightly or upright.
♦ New eggs have a slightly rough shell, outside the eggs are white chalk. If the egg is old, the yolk is very fragile.
♦ Rotate eggs to determine whether they're raw or cooked. Cooked eggs generally rotate less than unripe eggs.

Organic eggs and normal eggs

Normal eggs are completely safe for babies, but many people choose organic eggs to limit chemicals. Organic eggs and eggs usually make no difference in quality, nutrition or taste.

If you don't run out of eggs, store them properly to keep them fresh longer.

How to preserve eggs

If you leave eggs outside, they will spoil more easily than they will in the refrigerator. Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator cooler.
√ When refrigerating eggs, put eggs in cans so they won't be affected by foods with other smells.
√ Use eggs before the expiration date.

How to prepare eggs for your baby

You can boil, mash, fry or make scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs for your baby. In addition, you can also add eggs to some other dishes.
♦ Avoid foods with raw eggs like ice cream, mousse cake, mayonnaise and baked goods.
♦ Do not add salt, butter, sugar or margarine to the egg yolks.
♦ Avoid giving your baby omelet eggs. Only hard-boiled eggs can remove all bacteria.

How to boil eggs for babies

Benefits of eggs for children



It's not good to boil eggs too long. You can boil eggs for your baby according to the following steps:
- Put the eggs and water in the pot and boil gradually. When the water is boiling, turn to low heat for about 2 minutes and then turn off the heat. Let the egg cool and then peel. Cut them into small pieces and make them a treat for your baby.

Some dishes are made with eggs for young children

1. Crushed boiled eggs

Benefits of eggs for children



Preparation time: 5 minutes
Ingredients: 1 boiled egg
How to cook: Peel and split the egg into two. Then take the egg yolks and crush them. Mix with breast milk, formula or yogurt and feed your baby. In addition, you can also mix with foods like peas, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, cabbage, lentils ...

2. Scrambled eggs

Prep Time: 10 minutes
• 1 egg
• ¼ cup milk
• 1 teaspoon butter or oil
• Minced cheese (optional)

How to do:
1. Beat eggs with half a tablespoon of milk
2. Heat a small slice of butter or cooking oil in a pan
3. When the pan is hot, put the beaten egg carton mixture into the pan
4. Stir well and gently, add one more Less salt
5. When the eggs are thick, scoop the eggs onto plate
6. Don't let the eggs get too dry
7. You can also add extra cheese to flavor your dish.

3. Omelet

Benefits of eggs for children



Preparation Time: 5 minutes
• 1 egg
• ¼ cup milk
• Standard
• 1 teaspoon butter or oil

How to do:
1. Break the eggs and beat well, add 1 tablespoon of milk, oil, pepper and salt.
2. Heat oil in a pan, then pour in egg mixture. Fry until the eggs are frozen.
3. Don't let the eggs burn.
4. You can add some vegetables on the surface to enhance the flavor of the dish.

4. Spanish omelette

Preparation Time: 10 minutes
• 1 egg
• Potato or tomato or bell pepper (chopped)
• Olive oil
• ¼ cup milk
• Salt

How to do:
1. Put the oil in the pan, heat, then add the chopped potatoes.
2. When potatoes are ripe, remove them, then beat them well with eggs, milk and salt. Pour this mixture into a pan and fry both sides. You can also replace the potatoes with tomatoes or bell peppers.

5. Egg sandwich (for babies from 8 to 9 months)

Benefits of eggs for children



Preparation time: 15 minutes
• 1 egg
• Bread
• Salt
• Standard
• Avocado

How to do it:
1. Beat the egg yolks with a little salt and butter until smooth like cream. Then place this mixture between 2 sandwiches.
2. You can also crush avocado with this mixture for toddlers.

6. Egg crepe

Benefits of eggs for children



Prep time: 5 minutes
You will need:
• 1 egg
• Crepe flour
• Salt
• Standard
• 1 liter of oil

How to make:
1. To make an egg crepe, spread the dough evenly on the surface of the pan to make the crust, then beat the eggs and spread evenly
2. Turn over to make the cake cooked evenly on both sides
3. Add salt and pepper
Note: Do not make the crust too thin

7. Egg custard cake

Benefits of eggs for children



Prep time: 35 minutes
• 2 cups milk
• 1 vanilla tube
• 1 cup cornstarch
• 4 egg yolks
• Sugar

How to do:
1. Boil milk and vanilla
2. Mix cornstarch, egg yolk and sugar
3. Stir continuously
4. Put this mixture in a pot to boil. Stir well so that the milk and eggs do not stick to the bottom of the pot. Turn off the heat when this mixture has hardened
5. Feed your baby hot or refrigerate

8. Egg butter rice

Preparation time: 5 minutes
• Half a cup of cooked rice
• Ghee
• Salt
• Standard
• 1 boiled egg yolk

How to do it:
Mix the rice with one teaspoon of ghee butter, pepper and salt, then add the egg yolks and crush.

9. Egg cake

Benefits of eggs for children



Preparation time: 15 minutes
• 1 egg
• Half cup of milk
• 2 drops of vanilla
• A pinch of cinnamon

How to do:
1. Beat eggs with milk
2. Add cinnamon and vanilla, mix well and add to bowl
3. Steam in a water bath

10. Egg rice with vegetables

Preparation time: 10 minutes
• 1 hard-boiled egg
• 1 cup cooked rice
• Soft cooked vegetables like carrots, broccoli

How to do:
Mix all ingredients together and feed your baby.

Benefits of eggs for children



Eggs are great food for young children, as long as they are not allergic to it. When your baby learns to eat, you should give him little food. If your family has a family history of egg allergy , consult your doctor before feeding your baby.


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