With your child overcoming invisible fear

With your child overcoming invisible fear

When children are anxious, they may show some behaviors such as fighting with siblings or friends, being irritable, sleeping restless, crying a lot, clinging to their parents or disobeying. The causes of these behaviors are sometimes difficult to grasp. Therefore, in order to help children overcome their fears, you should understand about the signs when they are feeling anxious at different ages.

Fear of babies

At this age, babies know how to distinguish different situations. The feelings of anxiety and panic in seeing a parent leaving them peaked at 8 to 9 months old. Besides, the appearance of strangers can scare your baby during the first 2 years. Sometimes loud noises like thunder or broken furniture can also frighten and cry out.

Fear of children from 2 to 4 years old

Children at this age have a very rich and vivid imagination. It is really difficult trying to explain to your baby the difference between reality and fantasy.


By age 3, the baby will be less clingy to parents. If the child is still inseparable and is always worried about being away from his parents at this stage, you should see a doctor for psychological advice about the child.

At this age, children also often imagine scary creatures coming out of the dark or fierce and ghostly characters. This fear often arises when the child goes to bed or is alone. Children sometimes feel uncomfortable and panic when they hear loud noises, especially thunder. Therefore, parents should not tease the baby because of these things.

Children have a very good memory, when parents tell a story, children remember and believe that it is true. Therefore, parents remember to be careful with their words to avoid making children psychologically affected.

Babies often wake up in the middle of the night because of nightmares, they need to be reassured that the dream is not true and comfort them to sleep again. Your baby will completely forget this after waking up.

Fear of 5-year-olds

The 5-year-olds' fears are more realistic, it may be fear of injury, fire or accident. However, when children go to school and are taught many things, they will "release" these fears because they understand how to cope.

Older children often worry when their parents are arguing, sick or when the family has difficulties in life.

In addition, the media also causes children to fear from movies, video games and music videos, even news broadcast on television.

Children can express their fears by: biting their nails, shaking, sucking their thumb or getting wet. Because of low self-esteem and shame, babies will not confide in their parents about their fears so parents should observe the baby.

How can parents help their children overcome their fears?

Here are some ways parents can refer to the problem with their children over their fears:

Don't force your child to deal with his fears when he is not ready;

Let your baby get used to the situation that worries him slowly and slowly. Mom should praise when children can do things they used to fear;

Respect the baby's feeling of fear, definitely not bring it out to threaten or joke;

Expect things that might scare your baby and help them prepare to face it;

Tell your baby stories that show that their fears are not big and insurmountable;

Help your baby feel more secure by holding his hand, hug him, giving him a feeling of closeness;

Try to stay calm in all situations. A parent's startle or panic can directly affect the child;

Restrict exposure to violent television, movies and games.

Children are "god" crying and afraid, but in fact, those things are caused by many different effects. Understanding where your child's fears come from and how to overcome them will help your baby feel more reassured and less anxious.


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