What do you need to know to safely use a booster seat?

Baby weaning chairs are probably nothing new to you. The weaning chair can help your baby sit and eat with the family and eat better. Baby booster seats are very convenient but can also be dangerous if parents do not know how to safely put their children in a booster seat.

Parents are always worried and supervising when children play in parks, climb stairs ... but sometimes they are subjective when children sit on chairs to eat. The proportion of children injured by weaning seats is not less than the rate of injuries caused by other reasons. The number of weaning injuries has increased in recent years. In 2013, 1 child was required to go to the emergency room every hour due to weaning related injuries. So every day there are 24 children, each year up to 9,400 children are injured.

Injuries related to baby weaning chairs

The greatest risk of injury from a snack chair is a fall. Up to 93% of all chair-related injuries are due to falls. If a child falls while sitting in a snack chair, he or she may experience the following injuries:


Traumatic brain injury

Brain shock

Neck injury

Torn skin



Oral injury

Broken tooth.

In addition to falls, children are also at risk for other injuries such as:

Cough when swallowing objects that the baby reaches

Burns caused by hot food or drinks kept within reach of children

Bleeding from sharp objects within reach of the child

The chair is overturned by the child pushing the table into the table

Stick your fingers on the seat joints.

Types of baby snack seats

Currently, there are many models of snack chairs on the market, so you need to choose carefully. The booster seat should be appropriate for the child's age and physical and developmental needs.

Classify baby snack seats by style:

Traditional weaning chair : This chair has long legs so that the baby can sit at the table level and eat with the family. Chairs usually have plastic seats with lanyards, a removable cup holder and a backrest to support unsteady babies.

Space-saving snack chair: This seat is used to attach to a normal seat and has a straps so you can attach the seat more securely. The chair also has an adjustable back and a removable cup holder. This seat can be adjusted when the child gets older.

Table-mounted snack chair: This chair is usually small and very flexible. The chair attaches directly to the dining table with a belt and a seat belt system. The chair has no tray or backrest. You should only use this chair when the baby's head and neck are stable and he can control the center of the body well. Children also need to know how to sit firmly when sitting in this chair so that they do not fall on the table.

Raised chair : This chair has no backrest and tray, used for toddlers who can sit firmly. The chair has 5 steps to increase the height to suit the baby when sitting at the table with the family.

Sort baby weaning chairs according to material

Wooden snack chair

What do you need to know to safely use a booster seat?



The advantage of the wooden snack chair is that it is sturdy, not easy to fall. The seat has a seat belt and can be adjusted to a high or low level, so that the baby can eat with the family up high.

However, the wooden booster seats are heavy and bulky even though they are folded neatly. The chair is only suitable for home use, it is difficult to carry out or travel long distances. The biggest downside of chairs is that it is difficult to clean, when feeding children, tables and chairs are susceptible to stains due to food and difficult to clean.

Plastic snack chair

What do you need to know to safely use a booster seat?



The plastic snack chair has the advantage of being compact, removable, easy to fold and easy to move. In addition, this type of chair also has seat belts, which help parents to tie the child's chair to an adult's dining chair. Therefore, the chair is still suitable for babies to eat with their family on the high table.

Necessary points for a safe baby snack

What do you need to know to safely use a booster seat?



When shopping for a booster seat, choose a chair with the following characteristics:

Seatbelts available:  Seat belts come with and without seat belts. You should choose a seat with a shoulder seat belt so that the baby does not bend forward and prevents the baby from reaching too far and falling off the seat. A seat with only a lap belt is unsafe because your baby is at risk of falling forward.

Has a wide bottom:  When the baby sits, the chair will be heavy on the upper, so it is easy to fall due to the imbalance. Fix this by choosing a chair with a wide bottom leg for a more balance. This type of seat will take up more space, but your baby will be safer.

Wheels with locks: If your child's seat has wheels, check to see if they are locked. The safety lock will prevent the vehicle from moving in danger to the child. If your child knows how to unlock the seat, put a piece of cloth wrapped around the lock so he won't be able to open it.

Metal joints:  Plastic items break easily when used for a long time. There have been a lot of reclaimed seats because the plastic joints are broken, so choose seats with metal joints to last longer.

Tips for using a baby safe snack seat

The weaning chair is very convenient and useful for children. All you need to know is the following tips to keep your baby safe in the weaning chair:

1. Always choose a sturdy chair with a wide bottom

When choosing a booster seat, buy one with a low center of gravity so that it doesn't fall easily. The further apart the legs are, the stronger the chair will be.

2. Check the firmness of the seat before allowing the child to sit

Before you sit your child in a chair, check that the seat is easy to move. If the seat has wheels, check that the wheels are locked. If you use straps to attach the seat, check these straps.

3. Check the seat belt carefully

For your baby's safety, choose seat belts with full shoulder belts, waist belts and leg belts instead of seats with only lap belts. Once your baby is in the chair, be sure to lock all the belts securely so they don't fall off the seat.

4. Place the chair away from the dining table

Even if you want your child to eat with your family, be careful not to let your child sit too close. They can kick the table and spill the chair. Check your baby's feet to see if he kicks the table.

5. Inspect the dining table

Inspect the entire table for items that could endanger your child such as choking easy items, sharp objects, hot items or even tablecloths. Please place these objects out of reach of children or place the chair further away to make the seat safer for them to eat.

6. Keep an eye on your child

Nothing is completely safe for a child. Even if you just leave soft foods around, your baby is at risk of choking because he or she is just learning to eat. Therefore, when your baby sits and eats on a chair, you always need to keep an eye on your baby to handle what may happen promptly.

Weaning chair injuries happen more often than you think. You can still protect your child from this risk by choosing a chair that is appropriate for their age and needs. Be careful for your baby to sit in a safe weaning chair to make family meals more fun.

In addition to choosing a booster seat for your baby, do not forget to your child's menu. Please refer to the article " 9 nutritious foods in the six-month baby snack menu " to choose nutritious foods for your baby.


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