Teething in children: How to reduce symptoms for children

Teething can be an unpleasant experience for your baby. Teething babies often fussy at night because the gums are sore and swollen. Parents join aFamilyToday Health to learn information about teething in children.

Babies will begin to teething after three months and continue until they are 3 years old. The teething process will bring both you and your baby a lot of trouble because the baby's gums will be swollen, causing pain and drooling. Teething makes it difficult for the baby to eat and drink, makes the baby feel uncomfortable and begins to become irritable. Besides, teething also affects your baby's sleep.

How long will teething in a child last?

The teething process for each child will be different. Hence, you cannot predict it. The first teeth will make the baby uncomfortable, then the pain will gradually decrease until the baby's molars. However, the luck is that children often teething when older than 1 year old. Both you and your baby will have time to rest and recover from the stressful teething process.


Sometimes babies will show signs of teething before the teeth appear, while other babies will show these symptoms later. No one can fully predict what might happen. So, you should learn carefully and prepare ready handling measures to help your baby feel more comfortable during the teething process.

Teething symptoms in children

In some children, there are usually no symptoms of teething . However, there are children who may become fussy, start drooling, lose their appetite or cry more than usual. In some cases, teething can be accompanied by vomiting and fever.

Typical symptoms of teething in a child include:

Difficulty sleeping

Loss of appetite

Cry more

Like to chew things

Red, painful, or swollen gums

Drool more

Simple way to help relieve pain when children teething

Parents can apply the following ways to help relieve pain for their children:

1. Give your child cold food

Usually, when teething, the baby will tend to find something to chew to reduce the itching and pain. You can give your baby a peeled and chilled carrot or give your baby a drink of chilled water in a cup or jar. Cold foods often help reduce pain. If your baby is old enough, you can offer them chilled yogurt or mashed apples. Gently rubbing your baby's gums with your fingers will also provide temporary relief.

2. Use gum cream

Gingivitis cream will reduce gum pain. However, you should only give your baby a little use because it can make your baby's tongue numb, making it difficult for him to swallow food. Every day, you should only let your baby use up to 6 times and avoid applying cream before eating.

3. Use pain relievers safe for your baby

First, find out if your baby has other health problems because ear infections and teething often have similar symptoms that make you more confused. If your baby has a fever, take him to the doctor.

You can take paracetamol for pain relief, but you should only give your baby the correct dose for age. In addition, this drug should only be used for babies over 2 months old, while ibuprofen is for babies older than 3 months and babies must weigh at least 5kg. Consult your doctor carefully about the recommended dosage for your baby.

Teething in a baby is a long process that often repeats over time. Therefore, you should not give your baby pain relievers too often. If you decide to give your baby painkillers, stay away from aspirin, as it can cause Reyes' syndrome .

4. Give your baby soft foods

Teething in children: How to reduce symptoms for children



To avoid swollen and inflamed gums, give your baby soft foods at night. Hard foods can provide temporary pain relief, but then cause painful swollen gums, making it difficult for your baby to sleep. Some soft foods you can try are mashed dishes, pasta and formula.

5. Maintain baby's sleeping habits

Maintaining daily sleeping habits will help reduce pain. In addition, this also ensures your baby gets enough sleep at night. Not only that, it also reinforces the baby's sleeping habits on time.

6. What should parents do when babies cry?

You have to distinguish when your baby is crying because of pain and when he cries because he wants to get your attention. When your baby cries, do not ignore it, but sing or talk to comfort him. You should calm your baby and put him to bed on time. If you break your baby's usual sleeping habits it will be very difficult to rebuild.

Please see more "Great way" to comfort a fussy baby .

When should you take your child to the doctor?

Teething in a baby can cause fussy baby crying due to discomfort. Symptoms may be normal, but seek medical advice if your child:


Persistent crying, not stopped



Teething is a new stage of development for your baby, maybe this stage can have many different symptoms. Parents should observe children to recognize and treat children in time.


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