Table of infant sleep time by month of age

Infant sleep time during the first weeks of life is abundant, usually up to 16 to 17 hours a day. Baby sleeps in short 2-4 hours each time. Getting too little or too much sleep compared to the standard time table are all worrying signs.


How important is an infant's sleep?

Is it good for babies to sleep a lot?

Does a little baby sleep have any effect?

Table of sleep times of scientific infants

Sleep time of infants from 0 to 6 months

How to establish good sleep habits for babies?

Sleep time of infants by age is not fixed, not according to day and night. This means that you will be tired of your baby's schedule. You will have to wake up several times during the night to change diapers, feed, and calm your baby to sleep.

How important is an infant's sleep?

Getting enough sleep is the best way to help babies grow faster and develop better brain. According to doctors, babies only wake up when hungry or have a bowel movement, urinating only. The rest of the time, the baby will use it to sleep, partly because it is not used to the outside light, partly because of the habit of closing the eyes like in the womb.


Table of infant sleep time by month of age

A lot of sleep is considered a necessary “default” in the first few months of life

Benefits of sleep for babies after birth :


Babies grow up while sleeping

Brain development

Guarantee for central nervous system development

Helping children feel more comfortable mentally

Healthy immune system

Good sleep can help your child become active, enjoy interacting with everything around them

Is it good for babies to sleep a lot?

Infants' sleep cycles are shorter than that of adults, infants sleep a lot in rapid eye movement (REM), which is essential for their special brain development. The characteristic of REM sleep is not as deep as non-REM sleep. As a result, the newborn easily woke up.

By 6 to 8 weeks of age, most babies begin to sleep less during the day and sleep longer at night, although they still wake up to feed throughout the night. Your baby's sleep is gradually transitioning to more deep sleep (non-REM) than before. This will increase the amount of time that the baby is awake during the day.

During the period of 4 to 6 months, most babies sleep 8-12 hours through the night. Some babies fall asleep at night as early as 6 weeks, but many others have to wait until 5 or 6 months.

Getting plenty of sleep at the recommended time is good for your baby's development .

Does a little baby sleep have any effect?

Table of infant sleep time by month of age

The sleep of babies is extremely important

Babies have difficulty sleeping , sleeping less in the period 0-3 months of age will greatly affect the child's brain development and height.

Children need to sleep deeply 22-24-2 hours because this is the time when height hormone develops best, children who sleep deeply during this time will develop optimal height. If he missed it, he probably wouldn't be as tall as the others.

For a child's sleep, sleeping more or less is not as important as having a good night's sleep, so it is necessary to create an airy space, moderate room temperature for the child to sleep well, less startled.

Table of infant sleep time by month of age

Children do not sleep well: deal quickly lest harm! Sleep has a close relationship with the development of children, especially in the first 3 years of life. Children who do not sleep deeply, lack sleep, sleep at a wrong time are often irritable, tired, distracted, poor ability to learn ...


Table of sleep times of scientific infants

Below is the average amount of time your baby sleeps each day, including daytime and nighttime sleep.

Age Night Day Total time

August 0-4 - 12 hours 7-9 hours15-21 hours

September 4-12 hours 4-5 hours13-15 hours

1 year 11 hours 2-3 hours 14 hours

2 years 10-12 hours 1-3 hours 13 hours

3 years 9-12 hours 1-3 hours 12-13 hours

4 years 9-12 hours0-2.5 hours 11-12 hours

5 years old 8-11 hours0-2.5 hours 10-11 hours

6 years 10-11 hours, do not need 10-11 hours

7 years old 10-11 hours, do not need 10-11 hours

8 years 10-11 hours, do not need 10-11 hours

Note: For babies with longer daytime sleep, they will sleep less at night and vice versa.

Sleep time of infants from 0 to 6 months

Sleep time of each baby is different because it depends on the age, eating time as well as living habits of each family. In the period of 0-6 months, mothers can refer to the following information:

Newborn babies from 0-1 months

Your baby will sleep most of the day and only wake up a few hours to eat. On average, a 1 month old baby will sleep 15-16 hours a day.

Newborn babies from 1-3 months

From 2 weeks to 2 months of age, babies sleep an average of 15.5-17 hours a day total, of which about 8.5-10 hours at night and 6-7 hours a day stretching about 3-4 sleeps. short. During the third month, 3-month-olds need an average of 15 hours of sleep, 10 hours at night and 5 hours of the day.

Newborn babies from 3-6 months

At 6 months, your baby can only sleep from 15-16 hours a day.

Table of infant sleep time by month of age

Newborn babies need enough sleep at night and during the day

How to establish good sleep habits for babies?

Here are some tips to help your baby fall asleep quickly:

Learn the signs that your baby is tired

During the first 6 to 8 weeks, most babies can't stay awake for more than 2 hours each time they wake up. Conversely, if the baby stays awake for more than 2 hours, he or she may be tired and have difficulty falling asleep.

This is when you need to check if your baby is tired or not. Does your baby rub his eyes, pull his ears, or appear more irritable than usual? If you notice these symptoms, try laying your baby down. You will soon develop a sixth sense of your baby's daily routines and rhythms. Your instincts will help you know when your baby is ready for a nap .

Start teaching your baby the difference between day and night

Some babies are night owls that will wake up when you want to go to bed. There is not much you can do about this for the first few days. When your baby is about 2 weeks old, you can start teaching your baby to distinguish day from night.

When your baby is awake during the day, you should spend time interacting with your baby as much as possible, keeping the house and baby room full of light. You also don't need to try to minimize familiar daytime noises like phones, music, or washing machines. If your baby seems sleepy while feeding, gently wake him up.

At night, if your baby wakes up, don't play with him. Instead, keep light, noise level low, don't talk to your baby. Soon your baby will begin to realize that night is for sleep.

Consider giving your baby some bedtime routines

Table of infant sleep time by month of age

Infant sleep hours range from 15-21 hours 

It's never too early to start a bedtime routine. It could be changing into pajamas, singing a lullaby and giving your baby a good night kiss.

Give your baby a chance to fall asleep alone

As soon as your baby is 6 to 8 weeks old, you can start giving your baby the chance to fall asleep on her own. How? Put the baby down when he is sleepy, avoid swaying to let the baby sleep. Parents may think that what they do right now is not having any effect, but in fact, the baby is developing a sleep habit. If your baby wiggles the baby for the first eight weeks, he'll get in the habit for a while.

However, some parents choose to shake or feed their baby to sleep because they believe it is okay. They like it because they think their baby will thrive and sleep well, or they think it's more effective. They want to wake up with the baby several times during the night to help the baby get back to sleep.

The length of a newborn's sleep depends on many factors. The same goes for babies with difficulty sleeping. Mothers should refer to the sleep schedule for babies under 1 year old to make sure they get enough sleep each day.

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Table of infant sleep time by month of age

Table of infant sleep time by month of age

Babies sleep a lot in the first few weeks of sleep, usually up to 16 to 17 hours a day and babies sleep for 2-4 hours at a time.

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