Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

A diverse and rich 6-month-old baby's weaning menu will help your baby feel delicious and excited when he begins to get used to the food, so you can choose how to build a snack menu for your baby. follow 3 different methods: traditional, Japanese weaning and self-directed baby.

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Dr. Yen Phi shared a "standard" diet for the baby weaning stage (QC)

Children from 5-6 months old start to eat solids to supplement nutrition, in addition to nutrition from breast milk. Proper weaning is also an important foundation for formation of future eating habits, supporting children's comprehensive development.

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How do 6-month-old babies eat?

6-month-old baby how many meals a day is enough?

The traditional 6-month weaning method menu

Traditional way to cook for babies 6 months

Suggest a traditional 6-month-old baby snack menu

1. Asparagus beef congee

2. Shrimp porridge, spinach

Japanese 6-month-old weaning menu

Japanese weaning method

Suggest a Japanese 6-month-old weaning menu

1. Spinach porridge

2. Carrot congee

A self-commanding 6-month-old weaning menu

Self-directed weaning method

A self-commanding 6-month-old weaning menu

1. Steamed carrots

2. Boiled chicken

The most popular weaning methods currently applied by many mothers include 3 methods: Traditional weaning, Japanese weaning and Baby Led Weaning (self-directed baby).

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, according to which method to choose will depend on the needs and individual situation of each family.


To help mothers have an overview, MarryBaby briefly introduces each method of weaning as well as a menu of accompanying dishes for 6-month-old babies.


How do 6-month-old babies eat?

At this time, mothers should feed the baby with pureed or pureed foods. You can start with iron-rich cereal flour mixed with breast milk or formula.

Once your baby has gotten used to eating solids, you can continue with fruits and vegetables and lean meats.

Amount of weaning food: 1 meal / day

Amount of formula / breast milk: Depending on the needs of the baby

Softness of food: Crushed

The order of foods for your baby to eat:

Group 1 Cereals (Starting from crushed white porridge

Group 2 Vegetables and fruits (Carrot, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, banana, avocado)

Group 3 Chicken, lean meat

6-month-old baby how many meals a day is enough?

Babies need to be offered solids at least 3 - 4 times but you should not feed your baby from 6 months of age but start to increase gradually from the start of weaning to 6 months of age.

To develop well, children starting to eat solids still need to continue to breastfeed daily at least 3-4 times and eat from 2 meals of porridge / day and gradually increase to 3-4 meals / day when nearly 1 year old .

Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

The number of weaning sessions will depend on each baby's condition

Note that from the first 6 months of age, children need to eat solids and eat properly. Specifically, it is necessary for the baby to gradually get used to the food, not directly and to speed up the process.

Because each child has a different location. This food is good for one baby, but for another it can be difficult to absorb. The mother should pay close attention and try again with the baby after 1-2 weeks if the first time the baby refuses to eat.

The traditional 6-month weaning method menu

This is the method most commonly applied by Vietnamese mothers today.

Traditional way to cook for babies 6 months

Hearing the two words "traditional", you must have known that this method has existed for a long time.

With the way of processing traditional snacks, mothers will cook white porridge in combination with foods such as vegetables, roots, meat, fish, shrimp ... Everything is pureed by grinding, spreading or ray.

Depending on economic conditions as well as time more or less, mothers can focus on processing as well as ingredients. When she is too busy, she will often cook porridge with meat and vegetables, then puree and feed her child.

If you are more relaxed, the way to do it will be a little more complicated, for example:

How to cook weaning porridge for babies for 6 months separately, how to process boiled, fried and steamed foods to ensure that they retain many substances.

Regularly change many different foods to bring new things to your baby.

Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

The traditional method of weaning has always been trusted by Vietnamese mothers for many years

Suggest a traditional 6-month-old baby snack menu

1. Asparagus beef congee


Half a bowl of white porridge

1 plant of asparagus

10g beef

Cooking oil (olive, sesame oil)

1 small garlic clove


Wash the food thoroughly with cold water, cut asparagus into pieces

Minced beef. When the preparation is complete, put the pot on the stove to add some oil and garlic to the fry.

Add beef, asparagus and stir fry until cooked, turn off the heat, wait for it to cool, then bring it to puree. (Can be put in porridge together)

Cook porridge well, then add the above mixture, stir well with chopsticks for a few minutes and then turn off the heat.

Then scoop out the bowl and start for the baby to enjoy.

2. Shrimp porridge, spinach


Half a bowl of white porridge

3 shrimps

1 handful of spinach (take the leaves)

Cooking oil


Shrimp peeled, cleaned all black tendons on the spine, washed vegetables

Then grind or chopped shrimp and vegetables and remember to separate

Stir-fry shrimp first, then cook the porridge, let the low heat cook until soft

When nearly ripe, add the spinach.

Stir well, wait a while.

Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

Making baby snacks suitable for each age When 6 months old, babies will start to eat solids. Baby snacks are the ideal choice that can provide your baby with some of the nutrients they need in snacks throughout the day. However, mothers need to pay attention to a number of issues when choosing this food for your baby to enjoy.


Japanese 6-month-old weaning menu

Japanese weaning method

This is a method that many mothers love and applies because it brings many great benefits such as: Children have the ability to eat raw foods early, get used to the taste of each food, create habits. familiar with independence ...

When the baby starts to eat solids, the first dish that your baby can eat is 1:10 pureed porridge leaves (1 rice: 10 water) and this ratio will change as the baby grows.

Foods that are processed separately do not mix together to help babies recognize the taste as well as what mothers are allergic to. Each meal must ensure 3 food groups (starch, protein and vitamins) and always change ingredients.

This method is more sophisticated than the traditional one. Therefore, it takes a lot of effort and time for mothers to prepare and process. Instead, if successful, the results will be beyond the mother's imagination.

Suggest a Japanese 6-month-old weaning menu

1. Spinach porridge


2 large scoops of white porridge (30ml)

2 small scoops of spinach

Olive oil


Spinach is washed, then boiled, then crushed or rinsed through a net.

When pureed white porridge, add spinach.

Add some cooking oil and wait for a while to boil.

Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

Japanese-style snacks, the dishes will be prepared separately, not mixed together

2. Carrot congee


2 tablespoons of white porridge about 30ml

2 teaspoons of carrots

Cooking oil


Carrots washed, boiled or steamed, then crushed and sifted through a net for about 10ml

Then add to puree white porridge, add oil

A self-commanding 6-month-old weaning menu

This method is also known as blw weaning . This is a progressive method from the West that can train children to be active and love eating habits.

Self-directed weaning method

This is a relatively new method of weaning originating from Western countries, whereby babies will actively eat and participate in their first meal with their family.

Baby food is also cooked separately by the mother for each dish, but different from the traditional method and Japanese style, the baby will eat raw food immediately instead of pureed porridge.

Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

"Roll call" spices safe for baby weaning Do not want to affect the baby's health, mother said "no" to most spices when cooking for children. However, according to experts, except for salt, sugar, and monosodium glutamate, there are still many other spices that make your food more rich and not harmful to your baby.


The baby sits on a dining chair and can use his hands comfortably, he decides to choose the foods on the table without mother's intervention. And the end time of a meal is also decided by the baby.

The self-directed baby weaning method has many benefits such as helping babies naturally eat and develop skills, using fingers, hands and mouth to learn about food.

Help your baby learn to control food with different sizes, shapes, and fineness. Babies learn to chew right from the first days of learning to eat.

The downside of this method is that the baby will not really eat right from the start, but most of them just play around, throw around. This will take me a long time to clean.

In addition, babies are prone to choking when eating hard food, so mothers need to pay special attention.

Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

The first day when a baby eats solids, he or she will eat raw food immediately

A self-commanding 6-month-old weaning menu

1. Steamed carrots

To warm up, mom can give your baby a steamed carrot dish. Cut the carrots into small bars that fit the child's handle. Then boil or steam until ripe.

2. Boiled chicken

After cleaning the chicken, the mother brings it to boil or steam it very well, shred it into strands for the baby to easily hold.

In addition to choosing how to feed the baby, building a menu… mothers need to pay attention to food hygiene because the rate of digestive disorders is highest at the age of a baby.

Mom needs to pay attention to wash and keep kitchen utensils and bowls clean when preparing food for children, needing to feed them within two hours of cooking.

Suggest weaning menus for 6-month-old babies

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