Should breastfeeding when food poisoning?

A mother with food poisoning is still able to breastfeed normally because food poisoning only creates problems in her stomach and digestive system without creating toxins in breast milk. 

The problem of dirty food in our country is progressing very complicatedly. In this situation, no matter how carefully you take precautions, postpartum mothers are still at risk of food poisoning. It is not a very common question that mothers with food poisoning pose a danger to their babies because in the first 6 months, the baby's main food is breast milk. If you are wondering about this, please continue to share below of aFamilyToday Health.

Food Poisoning - A worry is not unique to anyone

Food poisoning , also commonly known as food poisoning, or real food poisoning is the phenomenon of being poisoned, poisoning by eating or drinking foods containing toxins and harmful bacteria, for example. such as E.coli, salmonella, listeria , viruses like rotavirus, parasites like giardia.


In addition, food poisoning can also be caused by chemical contamination such as heavy metals (food is grown and processed in areas where water, soil is contaminated with heavy metals, preservatives). plant protection, veterinary drugs, food additives, radioactive substances ...).

People with food poisoning often have the following symptoms:







Vomiting of blood

Going out blood


Mothers who are breastfeeding can experience food poisoning from eating undercooked food. Therefore, you need to be careful while eating seafood, meat and dairy products while breastfeeding.

Should mother with food poisoning breastfeed her baby?

A mother with food poisoning can still breastfeed her baby. The reason is bacteria, the virus only enters the stomach, not breast milk, so you can still continue to breastfeed. However, if bacteria get into the bloodstream, you need to stop breastfeeding and seek medical attention.

One note that mothers should make is to wash their hands with clean hand sanitizer after going to the toilet and before feeding the baby to prevent infection for the baby.

Mother need to do when food poisoning?

There are a few things you need to do when you have food poisoning:

1. Drink plenty of water

This is a measure to help prevent dehydration of the body. Drinking plenty of water not only helps to keep the body moisturized, but also increases milk production in nursing mothers. However, you should only drink water, juice, avoid soft drinks, carbonated drinks and especially caffeinated beverages because according to many studies, caffeine can cause diuretics, increasing metabolism. substance and make you more dehydrated. An oral rehydration solution (ORS) can also help balance the amount of salt, water, and sugar in the body. If you have diarrhea for more than three days, try liquid foods and avoid dairy products.

2. Antibiotics

Consult with your doctor about taking antibiotics to treat food poisoning and speed up the recovery process. When you go to your doctor, let your doctor know that you are breastfeeding so that you can prescribe the right medication. Absolutely do not buy drugs voluntarily because some drugs will enter breast milk through the bloodstream and affect the health of the baby.

3. Intravenous injection

If the poisoning is severe, you should go to the hospital for treatment with intravenous drugs. Infusions and medications can help you recover quickly and keep your baby from all infections.

4. Pay attention to diet

Regarding diet, when suffering from food poisoning, you should:

Low-fiber foods

Eating yogurt will help replenish gut-friendly bacteria

Continue to breastfeed, here is a tip to relieve stress

Drink broths, porridge, and soups to keep your body hydrated and easy to digest

Drink a cup of chamomile tea, ginger, honey, mint ... will help relieve stomach pain, anti-inflammatory and sedative

Avoid greasy, hot, spicy foods as these will make your symptoms worse.

Recipes help you to easily breastfeed when food poisoning

Here are some tips to help you take better care of your baby when suffering from food poisoning:

1. Breastfeed your baby in a lying position

If you are new to lying down, it may feel difficult at first. However, you will gradually get used to it. You should breastfeed in this position before the baby sleeps in the evening and in the morning. Thus, the mother can minimize the discomfort for herself.

2. Lie in bed with baby

Should breastfeeding when food poisoning?



If you are tired and don't want to get up many times, you can put your baby on the bed next to you. If you still want to put your baby in a separate crib, she should put the crib near the bed. Thus, the mother can always be close to the baby and breastfeed whenever the baby needs it.

3. Get plenty of rest

If mom is too tired, just rest. You can also give your baby formula milk if you feel you cannot breastfeed. Formula milk is still a good and complete source of nutrition for your baby.

How to prevent food poisoning in eating?

Here are some measures to help mothers prevent food poisoning:

Choose fresh, clean, and originated foods carefully, and carefully read the information on the label and food-related information.

Eat cooked, boiled, preliminarily processed, and hygienic food before processing, do not use expired or rancid foods.

Do not eat the blood soup of cattle, poultry, spring rolls, raw rice rolls, raw vegetables ...

Wash your hands often with soap, especially before eating and after using the toilet

Avoid eating street food or eating in unhygienic restaurants

Keeping the environment clean, the house clean

Through the above sharing, mothers can completely rest assured breastfeeding when food poisoning. However, you need to rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat liquid food to recover faster.



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