Parents need to add vitamin D3 immediately to children

What is Vitamin D3? Why do we need vitamin D3 supplement for children? How is vitamin D3 dosage suitable?

Vitamin D plays a very important role, especially for babies and young children. They help your baby's body absorb calcium in the best way, thereby avoiding alarming diseases of bones and teeth. However, very few parents really know how to supplement their baby's vitamin D3. Please follow the following article to answer the above question!

What is Vitamin D3?

Whether you breastfeed breast milk or formula, also need to ensure complementary beige 5mcg vitamin D3 per day. Vitamin D is an extremely important component to help the body absorb calcium which supports the structure of bones and teeth.


However, the sad fact is that most people in our country are very low in vitamin D, making bones not strong. In more severe cases, vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets in children.

This vitamin is known as the "sunlight vitamin" because the body can synthesize it thanks to that natural energy source. When light hits your skin, ultraviolet (UVB) light is used to synthesize vitamin D.

However, do not overdo it to exposing your child's body to too much sunlight as this may not be safe for your child's skin.

Why need vitamin D3 supplements for children?

Research shows that vitamin D also plays an important role in boosting the body's immune system. It helps prevent diseases such as diabetes , heart disease,  rheumatoid arthritis , polycystic sclerosis as well as some forms of cancer.

A small note that vitamin D for children should only include vitamin D3 and is prepared in liquid form. Besides. You should consult your doctor before taking any other vitamin supplements for your child.

I love to supplement vitamin D3 because:

The child's skin is very sensitive to sunlight and cannot be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

Your baby's food (breast milk, formula, weaning) may not get enough vitamin D

Babies from birth to 12 months of age develop very quickly, so they need a large amount of vitamin D to keep bones strong.

If the mother previously took vitamin D supplements during pregnancy, should the baby be born with it?

Parents need to add vitamin D3 immediately to children



The answer is yes. All babies need vitamin D because they cannot synthesize enough vitamin D from food, even babies whose mothers are taking vitamin supplements. Therefore, you need to add vitamin D3 every day to your child to compensate for the vitamin deficiency in the diet.

Which vitamin D supplements are needed for children?

Vitamin D3 is the form of vitamin D most suitable for babies. You should only use liquid form specifically designed for children, containing only vitamin D3 components, not containing other compounds.

Other vitamin products containing vitamin D, such as vitamin complex supplements, should not be given to babies.

How is the dose of vitamin D3 for children just right?

Doctors recommend taking 5 mcg of vitamin D3 every day, from birth until 12 months of age. Another note is that the amount of vitamin D needed for your baby will vary depending on the structure of each product and the baby's condition.

You should read the directions carefully before use and consult a specialist for more detailed information. In addition, you should not give your baby large amounts of vitamin D3 every day because that can make your baby's health worse. Therefore, the baby should only use a single dose of the day.

If you don't remember how much vitamin D3 you gave your child today, start over the next day. Note that it is not recommended to take more than 1 dose per day.

Where can I buy vitamin D3 for children?

Vitamin D3 for children is a supplement, so you do not need a prescription from your doctor to buy it. You can buy vitamin D3 preparations from pharmacies, some supermarkets, or other stores.

But most importantly, you should buy the product best suited to your child and this product should only contain vitamin D3 only.

Do you need another vitamin supplement?

You do not need another vitamin supplement. Only vitamin D3 is the recommended vitamin for all children. However, in some cases, infants or young children in special care may need other vitamins or higher doses of vitamin D3.

You should only give your child high doses of vitamin D3 or vitamin D3 products when advised by your doctor.


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