How to cook chicken soup for baby is delicious and nutritious

Chicken soup is a nutritious and delicious dish that stimulates the baby's appetite. With simple ingredients, mothers can easily learn how to cook baby chicken soup to ensure a healthy snack.


How to cook chicken soup for your baby

Note when cooking chicken soup for children

Besides chicken powder, chicken porridge, many children love chicken soup because it is easy to eat and has a delicious taste from mushrooms and young corn. There are many ways to cook this dish, today invite you to the kitchen and learn how to cook chicken soup for your baby simply and conveniently.

How to cook chicken soup for your baby

The chicken soup was smooth, delicious, and greasy, so it was so delicious. Mom can rest assured that this dish is easy to cook with ingredients that are easy to find, easy to cook and full of nutrients.


Ingredients for chicken soup


300g chicken breast meat

100g of shiitake mushrooms

100g of young corn kernels

100g silk spring rolls

1 chicken egg

1 carrot

1 coconut

Onion, cilantro, pepper, salt, seasoning

3 tsp flour

How to cook chicken soup for baby is delicious and nutritious

The secret in how to cook baby chicken soup is to use the chicken breast

10 steps of cooking chicken soup for baby food is simple and delicious

Step 1

Mom washed the chicken breast meat, then put it in the pot to boil

Note: Mother allows the amount of water to penetrate the chicken. Add ½ teaspoon of salt to the broth.

For spices to penetrate the chicken, mothers should add spices before the water boils.

While boiling, mom remember to remove the foam to make the water clear. Mother do not overcook the chicken, it will dry the chicken.

Step 2

With young corn kernels, mother washed. Let the baby eat easily, the mother grinds the corn kernels.

Step 3

Shiitake mushrooms, soaked carpentry are soft, cut, clean, then cut into small threads or chopped

Carrots washed, peeled, sliced ​​or chopped. Mom chopped coconuts to get water.

Mom beat eggs to get yolks, stirring with chopsticks. Mom should mix 3 tablespoons of flour with 5 tablespoons of water and stir

Step 4

Thai mother just sliced ​​spring rolls like shiitake mushrooms

Wash onions, scallions, then slice onions, and chop scallions

Cilantro mother washed and minced

How to cook chicken soup for baby is delicious and nutritious

Chicken soup has a sweet, delicious taste for the baby to easily eat

Step 5

After boiling the chicken, the mother took it out and let it cool

Fill the pot with coconut water to sweeten the water

Mother adds seasoning powder, salt according to the ratio: 3/2 teaspoons of seasoning seeds and 1/2 teaspoon of salt

Step 6

Mom shreds the chicken by hand or chopped it with a knife

The tip in how to cook chicken soup for babies is that the mother should choose the chicken breast to cook the soup because the horizontal fiber is easier to tear, the meat is lean and delicious.

Then the mother chopped the chicken and put it in pure water

Step 7

When the water was boiling, she put ground corn and chopped carrots in the pot

Boil for 3-5 minutes for corn, carrots to be soft, then add chicken, mushrooms

Mom stirred and seasoning to taste

How to cook chicken soup for baby is delicious and nutritious

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Step 8

Next, pour the flour into the pot in the following way:

Place the bowl of flour on high, slowly

To avoid quick pouring that will cause clumping, mother just poured and stirred with spoon / chopsticks clockwise until the water coalesce.

The amount of energy powder depends on the mother's will

Step 9

Similar to flour, mother pour the egg yolk from above, just pour it while stirring the pot of water to create a beautiful egg texture.

Step 10

Next, Mom waits for the soup to boil again and then adds onion silk

Turn off the stove. Mom sprinkle some pepper and green onion and cilantro into the soup

To make the soup pot look more eye-catching, mom should use white pepper

Finally, mom scoop out the cup and let the baby enjoy

How to cook chicken soup for baby is delicious and nutritious

A nutritious chicken soup helps your baby to eat delicious snacks

Note when cooking chicken soup for children

Although not picky in the preparation of ingredients and processing, but mothers need to note the following basic principles:

Do not add a lot of sugar and salt in chicken soup for babies because babies can not eat spices after birth

Do not use chicken soup with ingredients that are high in protein for babies under 1 year old. This avoids the baby's difficulty digesting. Examples are liver pate, seafood (oysters, crabs ...)

If there is a family history of allergy, it should not be incorporated into chicken soup.

For babies from 6 months old, mothers limit baby food with nuts. When cooking chicken and corn soup, mothers should make corn puree so that babies can learn to eat slowly.

In order for your baby to develop comprehensively, mothers should combine chicken soup with 500ml milk / day supplement to enhance nutrients.

With the instructions on how to cook chicken soup for the baby above, the mother can prepare a delicious, sweet and nutritious snack for your baby to enjoy. Wish my little angel eat deliciously and grow up quickly, mom!

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