Do you know what porridge can help your baby gain weight?

Some mothers will encounter a situation in which the baby enters the weaning age, the baby will grow up very slowly even though he eats very well. The main reason is due to nutrition is the level of nutrient absorption of the baby. At that time, mothers will need to prepare porridge dishes to help babies gain weight.


Full and balanced baby porridge recipes for babies

The porridge helps your baby gain weight easily

Porridge is a regular dish of young children, especially children in the weaning age. The porridge is easy to digest and absorb, so it is suitable for the weak digestive system of the baby after birth .

Especially for stunted babies, mothers should often cook porridge dishes to help babies gain weight, so that their children can catch up with development.


Full and balanced baby porridge recipes for babies

The baby's weaning porridge needs to be based on a balance of four essential food groups:


With 1 cup of flour or porridge full (200ml cup), it is necessary to add (measured with a tablespoon - a spoonful of 2 teaspoons):

2 teaspoons minced protein

2 teaspoons chopped or pureed vegetables

1 tablespoon oil or water fat

With the amount of combined ingredients as above, your baby will have a nutritious, delicious meal that is very suitable for the condition and absorption capacity of the body.

Do you know what porridge can help your baby gain weight?

The porridge to help your baby gain weight is both nutritious and suitable for the baby's taste

The porridge helps your baby gain weight easily

Taro eel porridge

According to the experts of the National Institute of Nutrition, eel meat has a very high nutritional value, even higher than shrimp and crab. Eel porridge is a cool, nutritious dish that is very suitable for malnourished and slow growing babies .


200g eel meat

100g of rice

 100g chopped taro

 1 teaspoon purple onion

 Cilantro, cooking oil, fish sauce, scallions, pepper


 The rice is clean and porridge cooked with 1 liter of water, then put taro in to cook

 Eel is hard-boiled, boned, removed meat, marinated with 1 teaspoon of seasoning seeds

 Non-fragrant purple onion with a teaspoon of cooking oil, add the eel meat and fry until fragrant

Next is to put the eel in the porridge pot, mix well, add a little fish sauce

When eating, remember to add some scallions and sprinkle a little pepper to make the porridge more attractive

Snakehead fish porridge with green beans and mushrooms

Fish dishes high in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and protein have added cool green beans. When combined with aromatic mushrooms rich in iron and vitamin D, children will love it, mothers can not feed their children in time.


1 bowl of white porridge

1/2 cup green beans cooked with shell

10 mushrooms

2 snakehead fish fillets

Garlic, onion, pepper, seasoning seeds, Chinese aroma

Do you know what porridge can help your baby gain weight?

Snakehead fish congee is a delicious and nutritious dish for babies from 7 months old


Salt-soaked straw mushrooms, cut legs.

For non-aromatic garlic, stir fry with mushrooms, season to taste, add water to draw spices to draw into mushrooms.

For green beans, porridge in the stew.

Thin slices of fish fillets, marinated with pepper seasoning seeds, white onion head.

Fry the fish in a pan with aromatic garlic and stir-fry it.

Ladle the porridge into the cup, let the fish cook on the face

For onions, darts, and garnishing the boat's scent is a fragrant fish porridge for you.

Broccoli beef porridge

Beef is rich in iron, protein and calcium, so beef is one of the best nutritional supplements. Cauliflower is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, helping your baby to strengthen immune system function and effective digestion.


Rice: 100g

Glutinous rice: 50g

Beef: 150g (should choose lean beef tenderloin, not fat, choose to buy fresh beef, still have a thin layer of fat covering the outside is guaranteed)

 Cauliflower: 80g

 Cheese: 1 piece

 Cooking oil.

Do you know what porridge can help your baby gain weight?

The whole set of recipes for cooking 20 snacks for kids is super easy! Eating porridge for babies to enjoy "mouth to mouth", absorbing nutrients and growing fast like blowing and cooking is super easy. There are a selection of 20 dishes for mothers to change the taste of each day right here!



Rice is washed clean, separate

Beef: wash, cut into small pieces, season with a little seasoning seeds and cooking oil for about 10 minutes

Cook cauliflower clean, drain, cut into small pieces

Add rice, glutinous rice to 600ml of water and then simmer for porridge to make a paste.

Add the chopped cauliflower and cheese in a blender to a puree.

Put the beef in a blender puree.

Put the minced beef in the porridge, stir well

About 10 minutes later, add the pureed cheese cauliflower and stir well, bring it to a boil.

Carrot chicken porridge, lotus seeds

This porridge helps babies gain weight with protein-rich chicken and vitamin B with sweet carrots that are rich in beta-carotene. When cooked with lotus seeds, it is a great food to help your baby eat well and sleep well.

Resources :

250g lean chicken

Fresh lotus seed powder or dried lotus seeds


1 diced onion

Cooking oil


Boiled lotus seeds to soften

During the lotus seed boiling, stir fry the chicken, carrots and diced onion together with oil

Boil water and then add all of the above mixture and boil for about 10 minutes, simmer

Use a blender, grind the ingredients to cool it to feed your baby

Do you know what porridge can help your baby gain weight?

Chicken lotus seed porridge is both nutritious and helps your baby sleep well

Amaranth shrimp porridge

Shrimp is rich in zinc - stimulates the baby to eat healthy and calcium - helps the baby's bones to be strong and develop in height.

When combined with a rich red vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals such as amaranth, it becomes a colorful and delicious dish that promotes the child's physical development in the future.


50g of rice flour

30g shrimp meat

10g finely chopped amaranth

1 teaspoon of cooking oil, spices

200ml clean water


Boil water, add shrimp and amaranth and cook. Turn off the stove.

While the water is still warm, add the powder and stir well.

North the pot on the stove, simmer while stirring until the dough is cooked.

Finally, adding oil is finished.

With these porridge help babies gain weight, make sure that when they eat about a month they will gain weight evenly and regain health. It also helps to improve malnutrition, prevent rickets.

Do you know what porridge can help your baby gain weight?

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