Do you know how to wean your baby?

Do you know how to wean your baby?


When should you wean your baby?


Mothers often want to wean their babies for a variety of reasons. The weaning process will officially start when your baby first learns to eat foods other than breast milk.

In any case, you should continue to breastfeed until your baby is at least one year old. After more than one year, your baby can drink whole cow's milk or 2% cow's milk. Many breastfed babies do not need a regular bottle but go directly to a cup with a handle or a cup with a straw. If you are planning to bottle feed your baby or put breastmilk in a bottle, this will be a little bit difficult if your baby has never bottle-fed. Your baby may protest the first few times, especially if you force him to drink from a bottle when he doesn't want to.

How to solve the problems of breastfeeding a baby?

At this age, babies are used to being cared for and breastfed by their mothers, so when there is a change in habits, the baby will be easily confused and fussy. Things could go more smoothly if the baby's father or another family member feeds the baby, not the baby's mother. At the same time mom should also go out while the baby is being fed so that the baby will not act as a baby. After the baby gets used to other people than the mother to feed, the mother can feed the baby, but now the baby needs a lot of cuddling, cuddling and encouragement to compensate for the lack of mother's breath in the past . Again, at this age, you can skip giving your baby milk from a bottle and directly feeding your baby through a speculum or a cup with a straw, initially drinking breast milk, later on. Dairy cows.


Once your baby has learned to drink from a bottle or a glass, weaning will be relatively easy if the mother wants to wean her baby. The time it takes to wean babies will vary, depending on the psychological and physiological needs of both mother and baby. If both mother and baby adapt well to this change, weaning can be successful within one to two weeks.

How to wean your baby from breast milk

For the first two days, offer a bottle or glass of formula each day to replace a breastfeed. (Do not express during this time). On day three, offer two bottles of formula. By day five, you can increase to three to four bottle / cup drinks a day.

Once you have finished breastfeeding, your breasts will stop producing milk very quickly. Meanwhile, if your breasts become engorged, you may need to express for two to three days to feel more comfortable. Within a week, this discomfort should subside. So it is best for you to gradually wean your baby by reducing breastmilk slowly, which will help reduce milk retention.

Many women like to wean slowly, even when their baby is fully cooperative because they think that breastfeeding provides a bond between mother and baby. This can be difficult to cultivate in other ways, and you may find it difficult to give up such spiritual attachment. In this case, you can continue to offer a combination of breast milk and formula until your baby is one year old, and a combination of breast milk and skim milk after one year of age. Some babies show no interest in breastfeeding when they are nine to twelve months old, or after they have learned to drink from a cup. It's important to remember that this is not a rejection of a mother but a sign that your baby is growing independently. In some other cases, the older infant refuses to breastfeed, but after that, naturally they continue to suck as if nothing happened. Breastfeeding can continue as part of feeding after your baby is one year older.


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