Avoid flat heads in babies so they have a nice round head

Avoid flat heads in babies so they have a nice round head

Have you heard flat head syndrome? Head flattening, head distortion is very likely to occur in infants if parents do not put the baby to sleep properly. Equip yourself with ways to prevent this child's situation.

Plagiocephaly is a phenomenon where a baby's head has a slim, flattened or distorted shape compared to the normal head shape. This can unsightly shape the baby's head and can lead to a number of other serious complications. In fact, once the baby is ready to sit, this will go away on its own within a few months.

Flat heads

1. Headache distorted due to posture

This is the most common type. In infants with distorted head disability, their head is often flattened in the back because infants are constantly lying on the bed and often mostly lying on their side. This condition usually occurs because the baby is lying for a long time in one position, putting pressure on the skull (still quite soft), making the baby's head appear asymmetric.


Short head

This usually happens when the baby is lying flat, face facing the ceiling. As a result, the skull is usually flattened in the back instead of the sides. The only difference between postural distortion and shortheadedness lies only in the flat position, which is due to the way the baby lies.

3. Boat-shaped skull (long skull)

This situation is less common, but more dangerous than the two types above. The boat skull is due to the premature closure of joints between the baby's skull bones, preventing the normal development of the skull. At birth, the top of the skull is made up of 5 bones. In between these bones is a supple tissue for brain development.

If your baby has a boat skull, bones will develop through this tissue, limiting the growth of the skull. Because it cannot expand to the sides, it must develop forward and backward. This can cause your baby to have protruding forehead, head long fore and aft and narrow in horizontal diameter.

How do I know if my baby has flat head syndrome?

Normally, a healthy skull will be round in shape and symmetrical on both sides. If you suspect your baby has this syndrome, check your baby's skull to see if it is symmetrical or has any flat areas. You may also find that one side of hair grows more than the other. Most of these conditions will be discovered when you take your baby for regular checkups. If something goes wrong, take your baby to the doctor right away.

Cause the baby has flat head

Because the baby's skull is quite soft, when under pressure, it will be deformed. Most babies have a flat head due to one of the following reasons:

1. Sleeping position

While sleeping on their back may reduce the risk of sudden death , it puts a baby at risk for flat head syndrome. When lying on their back, they can stay still longer than on their tummy, but they can easily flatten their head. Therefore, to reduce the risk of this syndrome, you do not allow your baby to sleep on his back.

2. Sitting too long in vibrating seats, hammocks and car seats

Anything that makes a baby's head sway to the side is not good. Therefore, you should limit your baby's use of these objects. A car seat is essential, but you should choose a chair that is right for your baby's size.

3. Preterm birth

Preterm babies have a softer skull than term babies. Therefore, babies are very easy to flatten their heads when lying on their side 45 degrees. In addition, this condition is also very common in twins or triplets because the babies have to squeeze in the mother's womb, so it is easy to overlap.

4. Neck scoliosis

This happens when the neck muscles are bent to one side. The neck muscles can be injured at birth or possibly because the baby is only holding a head position, so the development of other muscles is limited. This condition does not cause dangerous complications.

How can flat head syndrome be prevented?

Flat head syndrome is temporary and will not cause complications unless your baby has cranial disease. When the head is flat, the baby's brain continues to develop normally, just in a different shape. However, if you want to prevent this, it is possible.

This is very easy to do. Don't let your baby stay in one position for too long. If your baby tends to always lean to one side while sleeping, turn his head around or put extra towels in the crib. You can move the toy to the other side of the crib to get your baby to look in that direction. Pay attention to how your baby likes the posture to know how to rotate when needed.

Another way to prevent flattening is to not let your baby lie on his back while awake. Spend more time lying on your stomach during the day to avoid flattening. In addition, this also helps the baby achieve some developmental milestones of the baby such as rolling, sitting. Tummy also helps strengthen the baby's neck muscles.

Treatment of flattened heads in infants

For the treatment of flattened head in a newborn , experts suggest that the baby should not lie on his side for a period of time. Try to turn your baby in the other direction while he sleeps and let him lie on his stomach when he's awake.

If your baby has asymmetrical neck muscles, your pediatrician may recommend a treatment that will strengthen the muscles and improve range of action. Or your doctor shows you some exercises you can do at home.

Head flattening treatment with a cap

If you've ever seen babies wearing hats that look like little helmets, they are probably being treated this way. Chiropractic therapy is another treatment that your doctor may recommend for flat head syndrome. When the baby's brain develops and pushes the skull, the helmet will help shape the bone, so the baby's head develops in the shape of the hat. The baby's skull is still very soft, so it shouldn't take too long to adjust.

Head caps are usually used only for serious cases. Therefore, it is better to ask your doctor which method is most suitable for your baby.


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