8 weeks


Behavior and development

How does the baby develop?


At this stage, the baby's brain size will gradually increase. During the first three months, your baby's brain can increase about 5 cm.

At 8 weeks your baby can:

Head up 90 degrees on tummy;

Keep head in position when seated upright;

Touch your hands together;

Get oddly quiet. Actually, this is the time when babies are observing and learning.

What do you need to do to support your baby?

This is an important time for your baby to learn, so you should use quiet times to get to know your baby: communicate, talk, sing to him, describe pictures in books. with baby anytime, anywhere. You can also talk to your baby cuddly phrases while changing diapers or breastfeeding. That is the best way for you to support your baby in developing language, hearing and vision skills.


Health and safety

What should mom discuss with the doctor?

During a physical exam and exam, your doctor or nurse will look for the following:

Check the baby's heart with stethoscope and visual check heart rate through observing the chest wall as the baby breathes.

Check your baby's tummy by touching for signs of abnormality in the hip joint. The doctor will also check if the baby has a wrong joint or not by trying to rotate the baby's legs.

Check your arms and arms, legs, and feet to see if they are developing and moving normally.

Examine your back and spine for any abnormalities in this area.

Check your baby's eyes and reflexes with a microscope or light pen, check the ear's sound conduction function with the endoscope, and also check the color, fluid and movement of the baby's ears for their senses. baby grows well.

Examination of the nose with the bronchoscope. Specifically, the doctor will check the color and condition of the nasal mucus membranes.

Check the mouth and throat area for colors and sores on the mouth and throat area.

Consider movement in the neck, thyroid and the size of the lymph nodes (lymph nodes are usually more prominent in children and this is very normal).

Check your armpits by looking for swelling in the lymph glands.

Check for soft spots on the baby's head by palpating the head area.

Check your baby's breathing and respiratory function by observing, using a stethoscope or an ultrasound of the chest and back.

Check your genitals for signs of abnormalities; have cracks or cracks in the anus.

Check for umbilical cord healing and perform circumcision (if applicable).

Check skin by checking skin pigmentation, diaper rash, birthmarks on the skin.

Check your baby's movement, behavior, and ability to interact with others.

Mother should know more?

Here are some things you need to know when caring for your baby during this stage:


At this stage, the baby may be prescribed circumcision. Don't worry if your baby shows soreness or bleeding a little after circumcision. You should insulate your baby with two diapers at the same time in the first few days after circumcision to limit the contact and impact of the baby's thighs on the penis. You can also use a clean, ointment-soaked bandage to cover the penis. You also need to pay attention to always keep the baby clean and avoid the penis exposed to water when bathing your baby until the wound has healed.


In some cases, the baby hiccups at birth - this means that the baby hiccups while still in the womb. Many experts believe that the cause of hiccups is due to the baby's reflex. Another theory suggests that while suckling, babies can swallow too much air, which can cause bloating, which in turn leads to hiccups. Most babies will not feel uncomfortable when hiccups.


When born, babies often still have excess mucus and amniotic fluid in the respiratory tract. Regular sneezing will help infants remove the above substances and impurities from the outside environment that enter through the nose. This mechanism is like an adult inhaling the smell of pepper and wanting to sneeze. Babies can also sneeze when exposed to light, especially sunlight.

Baby's eyes

Don't be too alarmed when you realize your baby's eyes look a bit out of place. In fact, in many cases, the skin folds in the inner corners of the eyes will also make the baby's eyes look a bit skewed. As the baby gets older, the creases disappear and the baby's eyes begin to become more even. If you still feel worried, please share this with your doctor for a more thoughtful consultation.

During the early months, you will notice that your baby's eyes move randomly and not focus on a particular object. This proves that the baby is still getting used to how to use the eye and is practicing eye muscles. However, before the baby turns three months old, his / her vision and perception will improve. If you notice that your baby's vision is not developing, and his eyes are always uncertain, discuss this with your doctor. If your baby's eyes are squinted, take him or her to an eye specialist.

Mother's concern

What are the things you need to care about?

One of the habits in your baby that you need to pay attention to is sucking on a pacifier. Consider the following factors before deciding whether to use a pacifier, and if so, you need to decide when and for how long.

Many studies have found that pacifiers can cause babies to stop breastfeeding earlier. However, some other research has shown that early breast feeding does not confuse pacifiers with breast or hinder breastfeeding for the first trimester. You need to closely monitor your baby if you decide to use a pacifier. Pacifiers can be effective when this device has the ability to help your baby become more obedient and comfortable, especially when you need to lull your baby to sleep, sing to him, or put him in a stroller.

However, a pacifier can also be counterproductive if your baby becomes dependent on it and becomes too dependent on it. In some cases, sleeping on a pacifier can interfere with your baby's learning to sleep alone. If you are too reliant on a pacifier, your baby may wake up to lose it in the middle of the night and be unable to go back to sleep without it. In that case, it is you who have to wake up to put the nipple back in the baby's mouth. Because of that, you should only give your baby a temporary pacifier to satisfy his latching needs and or soothe his fuss. If used for a long time, the use of pacifiers can be addictive and become a difficult habit for your baby to quit.


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