Complete template of the whole vascular system in the body
After a series of medical measures they obtained a complete human vascular system profile.
If you are breastfeeding, you will want to know the safety tips of breastfeeding so your baby can grow up healthy. aFamilyToday Health will reveal to you!
There are misconceptions in the process of breastfeeding . You may want to know how to take care of yourself so that it does not affect your child's development. The following are facts that are contrary to our usual beliefs.
Fact: You heard that aluminum - the antiperspirant antiperspirant - the antiperspirant - is toxic to your milk glands. As a result, choose to buy non-aluminum deodorants as a precaution, but this is really not necessary.
However, you may want to switch to odorless because infants are sensitive to odors, and using a strong perfume or deodorant can get on your nipples and upset your baby.
Fact: You don't have to suffer. Pain relievers and fever reducers like ibuprofen , acetaminophen, and naproxen are all fine for breastfeeding women , according to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, although each has benefits and risks. However, you should avoid the OTC pill pair. For example, congestive medications can reduce milk production, while antihistamines can make you sleepy and impair your abilities.
Before taking any medication, consult your doctor first. Even if they are safe to take while breastfeeding, you should still be cautious.
Fact: After a hard night of sleep (wake up at 4 o'clock), feel free to drink a cup of coffee with milk to regain your spirits. "Research has shown that the amount of caffeine your child absorbs is very little compared to the amount you have taken," said Dr. Abu-Shamsieh. However, limit the amount of caffeine a day, to only 1 cup, because the caffeine in milk can accumulate in the child's body, causing irritation.
Fact: Breastfeeding burns 500 calories per day and is enough for women to regain their pre-pregnancy weight. Even if you want to lose it faster, make sure to get 1,800 calories a day and keep a healthy diet (healthy fats like avocado, nuts, fruits, vegetables and lean meats). The best time to lose weight is two months after birth, when your milk is full and your body is ready to recover. The best way to know how much to get is to listen to your body and eat when you're hungry.
Fact: You don't want to give up alcohol, but a little alcohol will also pass through the lactation. This can change the smell of the milk, similar to when your baby tasted alcohol, and if you drink it will cause less milk. Worse, alcohol is harmful to the nerves, affecting the child's brain development. That is why you should not drink alcohol while breastfeeding.
After a series of medical measures they obtained a complete human vascular system profile.
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The dog is an animal that is close to humans, it is also the first animal that humans were purebred, about 15,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age.
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aFamilyToday Health provides basic knowledge about 3 popular formula milk types, helping you to choose the right milk for your baby's needs.
In addition to giving babies the opportunity to enjoy valuable nutrition, what other interesting benefits can breastfeeding mothers enjoy?