2-year-old babies often cry at night, causes and remedies

A 2 year old baby who cries at night can be caused by one or more different causes. It is relatively common, and for the most part, nothing serious. However, parents need to learn to thoroughly solve to avoid affecting the baby's health.

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2-year-olds: Being a mother is not easy! (QC)

Parenting is never an easy thing, especially when it comes to being a parent of a 2 year old child. Have you ever felt \ "crazy \" when you saw that kid's "mess"?

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2-year-old child often cries at night

The cause of 2-year-old babies often cry at night

The child is hungry

How to deal with 2-year-olds crying at night

Besides the simple reasons such as bloating, stuffy nose, too hot or cold ... some babies may not sleep well because of neurological problems ...

2-year-old child often cries at night

According to Master Thanh Ngoc Minh, head of the Department of Illness, Central Pediatric Hospital, there are many cases where children come to be examined because of sleep disturbances, making parents worried.


Dr. Minh said that after giving birth, sleep helps the baby's body restore health and development. During sleep the pituitary gland in the brain of a child secretes growth hormone.


Depending on the age and the functioning of the nervous system, each child will have different sleep needs:

Newborn babies are typically 20-22 hours a day, only waking up when hungry and wet.

On average, children under 1 year old sleep 16-18 hours per day

1-2 years old sleep 14-16 hours

2-3 years old sleep 12-14 hours

3-6 years old sleep 11-12 hours

2-year-old babies often cry at night, causes and remedies

A 2-year-old baby who cries at night can have many different causes

If the wake-sleep cycle in the brain is disturbed due to various causes, it will cause sleep disturbances. The majority of cases of sleep disturbances are unexplained, most commonly in children under 1 year old .

Then it is possible for the child to do some tests to determine some trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, zinc ... If it is not yet determined, it is possible to give the child an EEG, ultrasound ...

When all results are normal, a therapist may give a little medication to correct a child's sleep. If the EEG is abnormal, long-term treatment with epilepsy drugs may be required.

The cause of 2-year-old babies often cry at night

There are many reasons why 2-year-olds cry at night, but the top reasons after parents should be aware:

Your baby has a digestive disorder

Young children are very prone to bloating, bloating, possibly due to improper nutrition. Many parents let their children eat too full, eat rice too early or eat foods that the child's body has not enough yeast to digest.

This causes undigested food to accumulate in the intestinal cage to be fermented by bacteria and cause flatulence. This is also one of the reasons why babies do not sleep well and often cry at night.

The child is hungry

Children develop at an amazing rate, especially during the first 3 years of life and puberty. Because of this, children often eat a lot and their needs increase over time.

Especially if a child is overactive one day, he or she needs to eat more.

Neurological problem

For young children, the baby's nervous system is very immature, very easy to be stressed by the adverse factors of the surrounding environment. When the baby is under nervous tension, the first manifestation that parents most often encounter is that the baby is fussy and persistent.

2-year-old babies often cry at night, causes and remedies

Neurological problems can also make 2-year-olds cry at night

Young children learn from receiving stimuli from the world around them. However, sometimes babies have difficulty in receiving all stimuli from light, noise to being held by others.

Lack of vitamin D

This is also a reason why 2-year-olds often cry at night, not sleep well. However, nowadays, almost babies are fully supplemented with vitamin D from birth, so the rate of vitamin D deficiency is usually not high.

If your baby wakes up very often in the middle of the night asking for food, chances are he's too hungry. Parents should now offer a bedtime snack, such as yogurt, fresh milk or peanut butter.

Babies peeing

Children 2 years old do not have complete control of the ability to urinate, which is the reason why at night while sleeping children have enuresis .

Some children may continue to sleep as if nothing had happened (thought it was a dream), others would wake up and cry. This is quite common and normal.

If your 2-year-old baby cries at night and shows signs of peeing, do not blame the child, gently clean and let the baby go to sleep.

How to deal with 2-year-olds crying at night

Here are some sharing experiences when 2-year-old babies do not sleep well of mothers who breastfeed, women should consult and apply for their child's case.

Create a habit to form sleep for your baby

One of the top tips to help 2-year-old babies sleep when they do not sleep well is to create a sleep time routine for your baby.

Let your baby learn to "play day, night sleep" by: encouraging babies during the day to participate in activities of talking and playing with people to stimulate their focus on sleeping at night.

2-year-old babies often cry at night, causes and remedies

5 ways to calm your child when having a midnight nightmare Most children will have a nightmare at a stage that is so frightening that they will wake up crying and trembling. Don't worry because sometimes nightmares are a normal development.


While it is not yet time to sleep, the baby shows signs of sleepiness: irritated, rubbing eyes, limping, yawning ... mothers should pat, rub their back so that the baby can relax again, or can latch. breast prostheses (but should not be too dependent).

At night, if your baby is sleeping but suddenly wakes up wanting to breastfeed, you should talk in a gentle voice, do not turn on the light to make your baby realize and understand that this is sleep time, not playtime.

This will create a habit of sleeping at night more deeply and concentrate.

Set up a sleep time for your baby

In addition to creating a habit to form sleep, mothers also pay attention to how to set up a fixed sleep time for babies to be aware of when they have to go to bed.

In addition, mothers can combine some of the following actions to help babies sleep better and more deeply such as:

Gradually reduce activities before bedtime

Bath, massage for the baby

Cuddling, chattering, and wishing your baby good night.

Read books, tell stories to your baby before bedtime.

Lullaby or listen to soothing music.

Change the sleeping space for your baby

Sleeping space is also one of the factors that help babies be able to immerse themselves in their sleep or not?

2-year-olds are often very funny and adorable, at this age they are in need of discovery and rhythm with the outside life.

2-year-old babies often cry at night, causes and remedies

A quiet space, suitable lighting and soothing music will give your baby a deep sleep

Therefore, to stimulate sleep faster for babies, mothers try to apply the following simple ways:

Play music for your baby: Music is an effective way to help your baby fall asleep faster. Moms try to let your baby listen to the melodious and gentle melodies, they will surely be excited and excited.

Stimulation from external factors: Reducing light, sound and activities will make your baby more restful. However, you can use the soft and even sounds of white noise (fan, air-conditioning ...) to help your baby have a deeper sleep.

Ambient: Mothers need to regularly clean and clean the bed / crib for the baby to be clean, placed in cool locations, moderate temperature ... This is also a way to create a deep sleep. than.

Set favorite baby's objects or decorate a room according to each child's taste.

If all the above measures have been applied, but the 2-year-old child often cries at night is still better. Parents can have your baby do an ultrasound or EEG scan to get more results.

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