10 effective tips for teaching autistic children to speak

Autism is a disease that causes children to have disabilities in social interaction, language development and communication skills. This could be caused by many potential problems. The good news is that there are many ways to teach autistic children to speak and help them integrate into the community.

In this article, aFamilyToday Health  shares with you 10 tips that can encourage autistic children to talk and interact with others.

When do autistic children start talking?

Children with autism tend to have a language delay more often than other children. Children with autism have many communication problems and often start talking very late. Reports show that children with autism often begin learning to speak and learn about their surroundings at the age of 6 or older.


What can you do to teach your autistic child to talk?

If you wonder, "Can autistic children talk?" then the answer is yes. However, it does take time to teach children how to talk. So you can follow some of the tips that aFamilyToday Health shares below to speed up that process:

1. Help your child increase interaction with the outside world

It is said that children tend to learn and adapt to their surroundings. Therefore, the first and foremost thing you need to do is not let your child feel different from normal children, that you cannot do the things that normal children can do. Practice treating your child like any other child, taking him to the park or play area to increase his interaction with the outside society. This is great for teaching your autistic child to speak because when more people talk, he or she feels motivated to talk.

2. Pay attention to hobbies and interests

10 effective tips for teaching autistic children to speak



When you do or talk about things your baby likes, he'll be more attentive and more likely to listen. You can start by buying toys that your child loves and encouraging them to play with them every day. Once your child gets used to playing with the item, keep it in a place where they cannot get it. Initially, when children ask for action toys, give them to them. However, after that, pretend you don't understand your baby's actions. This will motivate your baby to talk to get the toy they want.

3. Use simple language

When teaching your autistic child to speak, the simpler words you use, the easier it will be to grasp them. You should use simple and concise words. The autistic child's ability to absorb language is quite limited, so using too complex words will make them confused and find it difficult. This will allow your child to get used to new words and easily use them in communication.

4. Use non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication lays the foundation for verbal communication. You should imitate all of the child's gestures and actions, for example nodding to show consent… This will help your baby learn from the outside world better and faster. The closer non-verbal gestures and communication are, the easier it will be for your child to understand and adapt to future communication skills.

5. Teach your baby about things and feelings

Slowly teach your child the names of human things and emotions. The best way is to link them together. For example, when your baby comes to open the refrigerator , tell them he did it because he was hungry or thirsty. This will help your child learn more about things around him and relate them to different emotions.

6. Using technology equipment to assist

New technology and visual aids not only make it easier for you to teach your autistic child to speak better, but also make them happier learning about them. A number of apps and games are designed specifically for children with autism to make learning fun and easy for them.

7. Join the autistic children's parent clubs

There are many ways to teach autistic children to speak, one of which is joining a club or association for parents with autistic children. Here, you can meet similar parents and talk about ways to teach your autistic child to talk. Some clubs also organize periodic training sessions on knowledge and skills in taking care of children with autism. In addition, this is also an environment for autistic children to play and communicate with others like themselves, helping them to make friends and integrate more easily.

8. Make eye contact

10 effective tips for teaching autistic children to speak



You may feel angry when your child never meets the eye of the person you're talking to. Children with autism have a tendency to never look someone in the eye because they are afraid of something. To help your child learn to make eye contact (eye contact), you can start by placing a funny patch on your forehead to get his or her attention. This will help your child get used to making eye contact and remind him to always look into the face of the person he is talking to.

9. Give your child space

The best way to teach an autistic child to speak is to facilitate self-study. Self-study is important because it helps your child analyze and understand the situation better. Therefore, you should give your children private space to learn about things around them. This takes time, but can have more lasting and lasting effects. Don't push your children to learn at their own pace, teaching autistic children to speak requires a lot of patience. When you ask a question or find your child wants something, pause for a moment to give him or her time to answer or state his wishes. Then, you should quickly respond to or respond to your baby's needs (if the need is justified), so your baby will feel the power of speech and communication. This will encourage your baby to talk more.

10. Trust children

The most important thing an autistic child needs is the support and trust of their parents. Always encourage them and let them know that you will always be there for them. Do not put pressure on your child because it will make him feel stressed and not interested in learning. Always keep an atmosphere of joy and optimism, which is very good for the growth and learning of autistic children. Don't let any pressure get on your baby.

Autistic children not only need to be taught how to speak but also need to be cared for in many aspects. Therefore, parents need to learn carefully about the child's condition as well as measures to support the baby. To learn more about autism, you can refer to the following article  Tips for families with children with autism.

To help autistic children explore the world, both babies and parents need a lot of patience. aFamilyToday Health hopes these tips can help your child talk and communicate better with the outside world. The most important thing to remember is to always trust and be by the side to encourage your baby, this will create more motivation for your baby to interact with the outside world.



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