pregnancy health

Urinary tract infections during pregnancy and the things you need to pay attention to

Urinary tract infections during pregnancy and the things you need to pay attention to

Learn about urinary tract infections during pregnancy, their causes, symptoms, and effective treatments. Discover how to prevent UTIs and ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Exercise immediately with exercise for pregnant women

Exercise immediately with exercise for pregnant women

Movement habit is very helpful to pregnant mothers during childbirth. Therefore, you should know the exercises for pregnant women and practice regularly.

Everything about rubella infection during pregnancy you need to know

Everything about rubella infection during pregnancy you need to know

Rubella infection during pregnancy is something that many expectant mothers are extremely worried about because of the dangerous complications that can happen to the fetus.

When can you exercise after a cesarean section?

When can you exercise after a cesarean section?

aFamilyToday Health - If you are wondering about exercising after cesarean section to quickly recover and get in shape, you should not ignore this article.

Nail polish is available: Should or should not?

Nail polish is available: Should or should not?

Is there a nail polish bottle? Learn about the risks of nail polish during pregnancy to help you prevent any health risks.

7 interesting facts about fetus kicking while in the womb

7 interesting facts about fetus kicking while in the womb

The phenomenon of the fetus kicking in the womb signals you that your baby is growing day by day and many other interesting facts.

Heal the pain of miscarriage of mother

Heal the pain of miscarriage of mother

aFamilyToday Health - Miscarriage is something that pregnant mothers do not want to happen during pregnancy. If this is the case, mother try the following tips to strongly overcome.

Pregnant women with flu and cough, what to do?

Pregnant women with flu and cough, what to do?

Pregnant women have flu and cough are common conditions during pregnancy. So what do you need to do when you are sick?

Pregnant women go swimming well and what should be noted?

Pregnant women go swimming well and what should be noted?

Pregnancy is an extremely sensitive stage. Many people wonder if pregnant women swim well or not? Let aFamilyToday Health find the answer!

Is it good for pregnant women to take benadryl to treat allergies?

Is it good for pregnant women to take benadryl to treat allergies?

Benadryl is a medicine used to treat colds quite popular, but is it really safe for pregnant women to take this medicine?

Lack of intelligence because the mother elected to use licorice

Lack of intelligence because the mother elected to use licorice

aFamilyToday Health - Herbal but licorice is not safe for the health of the fetus. Knowing its harmful effects helps pregnant mothers have a safe pregnancy.

Is it good for pregnant mother to walk on a machine?

Is it good for pregnant mother to walk on a machine?

aFamilyToday Health - Some notes when pregnant mothers walk on a machine for safe exercise for both mother and baby, and this activity also helps to give birth.

Mozart music for pregnant women really make the fetus smarter?

Mozart music for pregnant women really make the fetus smarter?

Many people believe that mozart music for pregnant women can stimulate the fetal brain to develop significantly from the womb. Is this correct?