Why do babies quit breastfeeding early?

Breast milk contains all the nutrients needed for your baby's development. However, many babies give up breastfeeding early, making parents extremely worried

Breast milk contains a full range of nutrients for babies, such as: protein, sugar, mineral salts,… to help babies stay healthy, grow up quickly and develop intelligence. However, many babies give up breastfeeding early, making parents extremely worried. So what are the reasons that lead to the baby refusing to breastfeed and how to overcome this phenomenon? Marry Baby would like to share with you the useful information below.

There are many causes, but the main ones are:


Because the baby is in pain or illness: check carefully where the baby is in pain, or are having illnesses such as thrush, stuffy nose, or teething. Because if you are sick, the baby will be uncomfortable in the body and refuse to breastfeed.

Due to the wrong position when breastfeeding the baby, the baby does not latch on well, or too much breastmilk causes choking and fear.

Because breastmilk has a strange smell: when you use perfume and eat strong flavors like: onion, garlic, pepper, ..., the milk will also smell unpleasant, making babies dislike and stop breastfeeding.

Because breastmilk is not enough for your baby: if you have little milk, not enough milk for each feed, your baby will no longer like to breastfeed.

Because the mother does not have much time to care for and close to the baby, it makes the baby "strange" with the mother's smell and does not like to breastfeed anymore.

Why do babies quit breastfeeding early?

Mother should find out why babies quit breastfeeding early.

Once you have identified the cause, you will find the appropriate direction:


If the baby is lazy to suckle due to the disease ... it is best to take the baby to medical examination and treatment, to persistently coax the baby to eat a little, divided into several meals a day, when the sickness is recovered, the baby will suck again. If your baby has a thrush, you can beat your baby's tongue with honey and vegetable juice. If the baby has a blocked nose, it is necessary to administer saline medicine, clean the nose before feeding.

Breastfeeding position needs to be adjusted properly: this is seemingly simple, but not every mother knows how to breastfeed properly. The right position to breastfeed is that the baby's face is facing the breast, the baby's lips are just at the nipple. The mother sits in a comfortable and relaxed position, holding the baby with both hands so that the baby's head and body are in line, the head does not bend or tilt. The baby lies close to the mother's lap, the baby's belly is pressed against the mother's womb. Put your hands under the baby's buttocks or support pillows to raise the baby to reach the breast. The mother touches the baby's lips to the breast, waits until the baby opens his mouth wide, then brings the baby to the breast so that the baby's lower lip is below the nipple. When suckling, the baby's chin must touch the mother's breast, avoid letting the breast block the baby's nostrils, making it difficult for the baby to breathe.

When breastfeeding, you should avoid excessive diets that will make the milk less and lack nutrients, avoid the use of stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, cigarettes ... In addition, breastmilk creates Also affected by psychological problems, you need to keep comfortable, avoid stress and sadness. In addition, you should not use too many spices such as onions, pepper, garlic, and chili.

It is necessary to create conditions for the mother and baby to lie side by side to facilitate breastfeeding, feed the baby many times whenever the baby wants, the more milk the baby will drink. Even though mothers are busy trying to spend time close, hold and talk with their babies often.

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