What to do when children lie?

As they get a little older, children may begin to lie for a variety of reasons. This is a baby's natural tendency because even adults often lie in life. However, parents need to soon realize when their baby lies to promptly rectify and explain to their baby that this is a bad habit that needs to be overcome.

Signs of children lying

Identifying a lying child is not difficult. According to the experience of mothers or child psychologists, when lying , children are often afraid of being discovered by adults, leading to unnatural behavior. Your baby will have some of the following signs:


Do not make eye contact with adults when speaking.

Usually touching chin, bow slightly low. Blink more than usual when lying.

Hands and feet restless, not standing still. Baby seems restless, hands twitching slightly or fidgeting, holding something unconsciously.

Children stumble or hesitate to find reasons to explain and defend themselves.

Babies often make up absurd stories such as: "The wind blowing through the window fell the vase, not me" or "I was playing, suddenly you came pulling my hair".

Sometimes the baby is silent, refusing to answer when an adult asks. Actually, this is a good sign because the baby does not know how to lie.

However, depending on the personality that each child will have different manifestations. If parents are interested in every little gesture, it is not difficult to detect that their child is lying. However, the deeper issue to consider is why the baby lies. Parents need to do when their prince, princess began to make up stories.


What to do when children lie?

Please pay attention to your child to detect abnormalities in them 

Why do babies lie?

“I brushed my teeth. I have finished studying. You made fun of them first, so they hit you… ”are familiar lies among children due to fear of being scolded or lazy.

Most of the children's lies are due to the usual behavior of their parents and the environment. Parents are always role models for children to follow. Family's way of life, discipline, and love will be a mirror that accurately reflects the child's personality.

If parents lie to neighbors, colleagues, most children will also lie to their parents, friends, teachers because they think it is obvious.

If parents are too strict, scolded and punished severely when their children made mistakes, they will also lie more to protect themselves when they make mistakes.

If children feel uninterested or their parents love their siblings more, they also tend to lie to get their parents' attention.

If parents do not believe their child's true words, they also tend to lie or stay quiet more. The children's world has very strange things that sometimes adults don't think of. Therefore, parents should listen fully to the child's story and then think carefully and give right and wrong judgment afterwards.

Respond to children who lie

There is a classic story that every parent should tell their children is the parable "The Shepherd Boy". The story is that there is a shepherd boy who often lies. He teased the villagers by lying that a wolf had come to eat lamb. The villagers believed and gave up all they were doing to chase the wolf to help the boy. But when it arrived, it was a lie to make fun of the boy, so the villagers had to return in anger. One day, a wolf came to prepare to eat the lamb. "There are wolves!" But no one came to help because he thought he was joking like last time. As a result, the boy had to run for his life and the sheep were eaten by wolves.

Parents should analyze for their children how much harm they do to their children lying about. Specifically, lying, no one believes and wants to make friends with the baby. Do not be too strict or rush to apply authority to children with scary penalties that make them lie. Should encourage children to "confess" when making mistakes. If you need to punish your baby, give him many options to memorize. It is important that children recognize mistakes and do not repeat them.

Parents avoid lying in front of children as much as possible and words must be consistent with their work. Absolutely avoid parents forcing children to lie to friends or neighbors such as: "I told you, father (or mother) is not at home". Sometimes your everyday lies seem harmless, but to a certain extent, saying these false words will sink into the subconscious, become a habit that makes children lie.

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