Things to know when feeding your baby fruit

Fruit should not be given immediately before meals, as this can affect their taste and reduce their ability to absorb nutrients from their main meal.

No one can deny fruit is a very essential food for humans, especially for young children. It supplements vitamins and fiber, helps children strengthen immunity , prevents disease. However, we should not eat fruit arbitrarily, no matter how nutritious it is. Because like that, it will have the opposite effect, affecting the health of children. What fruits to eat and when to eat is the best thing for parents to know.

1. What kind of fruit should be eaten:


Eat fruit in the right season. Choose ripe fruit. Regularly change your baby's fruit menu.

Choose green and purple fruits, as they contain resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant and an extremely effective anti-cancer agent. At the same time this substance also helps the child's heart to live healthier.

Things to know when feeding your baby fruit

Give your baby the right fruits and at the right time to keep them healthy.

2. When to eat fruit:


Nutrition experts recommend that the best time to feed your baby fruit is 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. Fruit should not be given immediately before meals, as this can affect their taste and reduce their ability to absorb nutrients from their main meal.

Some fruits contain very high amounts of sugar. If they are deposited in the stomach, they will cause bloating and constipation. Therefore, it is advisable to take the time to eat fruit from your baby's main meal.

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