Symptoms when the baby falls and hits the back of the head that parents must know

In the first few months of life, sometimes the trauma caused by negligence when a baby falls on the back can seriously harm the baby's health. Parents need to learn how to recognize a safe or dangerous situation in order to have a timely response to that fall.


Symptoms when the baby fell and hit his head behind

Dangerous manifestations of children need to be taken to hospital

When the baby is unconscious

Wobbling back and forth

Visual disturbances

Vomiting more than 3 times

Sleep a lot

Complications of head injury

The baby fell and hit his head back, leading to mild to severe signs such as mild swelling, bruising to bleeding in the head, ears, and swelling. If the case is mild, parents can be completely assured about the child's condition. If the case is severe, the child should be rushed to hospital to avoid dangerous cranial complications.

Symptoms when the baby fell and hit his head behind

It is not uncommon for a child to fall to the floor, bang his head on the door, hit the edge of a table or fall from above ... not uncommon. Usually, cases are mild and recover quickly.


Parents calmly observe the child's position after a fall to determine the affected area within 2 days. After that, parents carry the baby to bed to rest, avoid scolding the child.


If the baby is still alert and playing normally without any sign of danger, the mother can be assured.

Symptoms when the baby falls and hits the back of the head that parents must know

Depending on the case, the baby who falls on the back head can have many dangerous complications or not

Usually, the head and forehead area is where blood supply is, so head injuries lead to bleeding under the skin. The child's head appears bruised or swollen.

If the wound gradually dissolves, it does not seriously affect the child's health. Or, if the wound is bleeding but the baby is still happily active, active and alert, parents do not need to worry too much.

After a minor head injury, babies often cry, demanding to sleep. Mom please pat and lull the little angel to sleep well to take care.

Dangerous manifestations of children need to be taken to hospital

If there are bad complications such as skull deformation, loss of consciousness, the mother must bring the baby to the nearest medical facility. In addition, other dangerous manifestations of a baby falling head backside include vomiting a lot , crying a lot, eating poorly or having difficulty moving parts.

When the baby is unconscious

Children can lose consciousness when they are hit with their head on a hard floor with enough force, even for a few seconds. If a baby cries right after falling, parents should rest assured because the baby is still awake.

Wobbling back and forth

Babies may experience dizziness and loss of balance after a head fall on the back of the neck. These are not very dangerous symptoms. Mom can watch the baby while playing to see if he is sitting upright, walking steadily, moving his arms and legs normally or still wobbly.

Symptoms when the baby falls and hits the back of the head that parents must know

A child who moves unsteadily, losing balance after a head fall is a sign of danger

In case an infant is hit on the head and the baby has not yet to walk, the mother can observe the baby crawling or using her hands ... to see if anything is wrong.

Visual disturbances

Although the baby is still awake, if signs such as lethargy, poor eye contact, lack of concentration ... appear, the mother should also pay attention. In particular, within 24 hours, the mother observes the baby's eyes for strabismus, the pupils on both sides are uneven, looking one or two for timely solutions.

In addition, you should also test the child's reaction to the cold. If the child does react, the family can rest assured the baby is still healthy.

Vomiting more than 3 times

After falling head back, whether it affects the skull or not, young children often vomit 1 to 2 times due to coughing, crying or impact of the skull. To prevent this situation, mothers should give babies filtered water or breastfeed, do not use solid foods / snacks.

When a child vomits more than 3 times and is accompanied by the following signs of danger:

The child has a fever, the mother should quickly take the baby to the doctor

Unusual irritability with constant headache

Symptoms when the baby falls and hits the back of the head that parents must know

Irritability accompanied by headaches constantly alarm the health status of the baby

Sleep a lot

Even though your baby has had enough sleep, he still tends to go to sleep after his head falls behind.

Complications of head injury

The most dangerous complication when a child falls on the back head is traumatic brain injury. Within 36-48 hours, the child will have symptoms of cranial subsidence, bleeding, subdural hematoma.

Your baby will get worse headaches, vomiting more, drowsiness, gradually lose consciousness, discharge fluid in the ears, nose or bruises around the eye bags, or even hemiplegia, unable to walk.

The above signs show that the baby has a severe head injury , urgently needing the child to go to the hospital for prompt treatment by the doctor.

Symptoms when the baby falls and hits the back of the head that parents must know

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Young children always need safe care and protection from outside influences. However, the movement of children and play often leads to traumatic impacts, especially the head, which is inevitable.

With mild to severe symptoms, parents can take action to prevent dangerous complications. Parents should also look after and take care of their children carefully to avoid falling head behind.

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