The right balance between the different food groups is essential. In addition, the baby also needs to be provided with more vitamins and drink enough water to help the baby's metabolism go better.
During this period, babies begin to be more active, consuming more energy than usual. In order to help children get used to foods, provide nutrients, increase the body's resistance to adverse weather factors, attention should be paid to the baby's nutrition, providing them with Reasonable diet helps children avoid some diseases in hot weather.
Essential food groups
Mothers should feed their babies a variety of food groups to ensure the essential foods for babies.
Starch group: Found in many foods such as rice, corn, cereal flour, potatoes, noodles ...
Protein, iron: Found in fish, chicken, beef, shrimp, crab, eggs ...
Fiber: Found in green vegetables and fruits. Green vegetables and fruits are very good for providing nutrients as well as for the child's digestive system. Fiber helps babies not get constipated. Mother can feed your baby many kinds of vegetables with high nutritional value and cool such as: greens, amaranth, water spinach, beans ...
Fat: During this period, it is important to pay attention to the baby eating more fat, however, the baby should eat less, if eating too much, it will lead to boredom or risk of weight gain, obesity.
In the summer, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C in the baby's body are quickly lost due to a lot of exercise. This vitamin should be provided promptly by feeding them fruits such as pineapples, oranges, watermelon, strawberries, butter, ...
Vitamins A that work to avoid dehydration, dry skin, and constipation are often found in tubers and fruits such as papaya, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, ... Fruit is not just a source. quite a lot of vitamins, nutrients and fiber for the baby but also helps strengthen the immune system, prevent summer diseases .
Give your baby a full range of different food groups
Drinking water
In the summer, babies often sweat a lot, become dehydrated, easily get skin diseases such as acne, rash. Therefore, the supplement of water for the baby will help the metabolism in the baby's body better as well as avoid skin diseases caused by the heat.
Give your baby enough water and drink it several times a day. If your baby is lazy to drink water, in addition to water, parents can have many ways to provide water for the child such as: feeding the baby milk, smoothies, yogurt, fruit juice, and eating more soup ... absolutely do not let your baby drink too cold water.
In addition, mothers should also pay attention to the baby's diet so that the baby can absorb the best food without affecting digestion . Here are some notes:
Food should be processed into a variety of dishes so that the baby has a better taste.
The dishes must be fresh and clean to avoid intestinal diseases.
Food groups with heat properties such as green vegetables need to be fed more than usual to provide more vitamins for the body, additional fiber, and good for the baby's digestive system.
Feed your child in small amounts and break up into several meals throughout the day.
Baby food needs to be cooked, not left in hot weather for too long, affecting nutrition and making children more at risk for intestinal diseases.