It is very normal for children to vomit. There are different ways to deal with this problem. However, that is not giving the baby water as soon as the food erupts.
Your baby is just vomiting a lot and the first thought that flashes into your mind is to give him water immediately. That was completely the wrong decision.
According to Dr. Dawn Lim, a pediatrician at Paragon Medical Center, Singapore, vomiting in babies is caused by problems in the stomach and digestive system. Or stems from some common causes:
By forcing children to eat too much
Suck too full
Lie right after feeding
Gastroesophageal reflux
Food intolerance or initiation of complementary foods with novel foods
Or eat too much of a certain type of food
Your baby may vomit after coughing
Having your baby drink water right after vomiting is a wrong decision
Whatever the cause, always let your baby rest for at least 10 to 15 minutes before starting to feed or drink. “Your child's teaching may be strongly stimulated if he drinks water right after vomiting and he may continue to struggle more. Many medical doctors are worried that the child will choke due to excessive vomiting and it will seriously affect the lungs, ”explained Dr. Lim.
Instead of giving the baby a bottle of water, hold the baby up, comfort it, if the baby breathes evenly, stable after 10-15 minutes can give the baby 1 teaspoon water. Increase the amount of water every 10 minutes.
Take your child to a local medical center if he shows signs of dehydration . Dr Lim thinks the problem of dehydration can be easily identified by monitoring the frequency of urination or changing diapers. After 2-3 hours of non-wet diapers, dry lips and tongue, and lethargic eyes definitely need medical examination as soon as possible.
If, after vomiting, the child still plays normally, it is due to the unreasonable way of eating in the child, not due to disease, not affecting the body condition. At this time, the mother needs to adjust her feeding style.