Postpartum wear and tear - Thief of maternal and baby nutrition

Postpartum wear, if not detected in time, can seriously affect the health of mothers after giving birth. However, many women still do not know what postpartum cachexia is, how to cure postpartum cachexia as well as dangerous postpartum postpartum?


What is postpartum wear?

Is worn-out dangerous?

The cause of postpartum wear and tear after childbirth

Symptoms and signs of postpartum wear are common

Can worn postpartum be cured?

How to cure postpartum wasting

Mother after giving birth, what to do after giving birth?

The consequences of postpartum wear and tear 

Postpartum is worn out, a rather new concept for mothers who have just "passed through" for the first time. Let MarryBaby learn what this concept is as well as the causes and ways to prevent it to protect the health of both mothers and babies!

What is postpartum wear?

Postpartum cachexia is also known as the phenomenon of underweight, too thin postpartum women due to poor nutrition and lack of careful care after birth.


Postpartum mothers often show signs of thin body, difficulty gaining weight, poor resistance, so they are susceptible to many diseases. Besides, after giving birth, if the mother is underweight, she will be prone to exhaustion and malnutrition.


This seriously affects the quality of breast milk and the development of the baby. When a woman's body lacks nutrients after giving birth , the source of milk will not have enough nutrition to help the baby develop healthy and intelligent.

Therefore, mothers need to pay attention to their health, if necessary, mothers should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. Usually, the disease has 2 manifestations: normal cachexia and postnatal edema.

Postpartum wear and tear - "Thief" of maternal and baby nutrition

Postpartum wear and tear affects the health of mother and baby

Is worn-out dangerous?

Depending on the mother's condition, the doctor will conclude there is a danger or not. Common postpartum conditions such as fatigue, back pain, joints, irritability due to psychological changes and unfamiliarity with child care are non-dangerous postpartum diseases.

However, these postpartum diseases significantly affect the life of pregnant women. If the mother has a condition such as hemorrhage, eclampsia, postpartum infection ... are quite serious diseases and affect their lives.

Women after childbirth were these diseases will undoubtedly be dangerous and can affect the ability pregnancy next time.

The cause of postpartum wear and tear after childbirth

There are many causes of this condition:

Because the process of pregnancy and human birth, a woman has to suffer a lot of hardship and hardship, which causes the body to be tired, stressed, and unable to absorb nutrition, so even if she eats a lot, she cannot gain weight.

Exhaustion from childbirth is also one of the reasons why some mothers suffer from postpartum cessation.

Inadequate nutrition for postpartum women leads to a lack of nutrients in the body.

Postpartum mothers have to think, overwork or do heavy things, not suitable for the state of the body, which also leads to a breakdown in the body.

In addition, the mother's body may also have a chronic disease that she has not discovered and has not been treated.

Having sex too soon also affects the uterus or genitals of women. This will lead to infection and affect the mother's health, leading to postpartum cachexia.

Postpartum wear and tear - "Thief" of maternal and baby nutrition

Postpartum cachexia arises from maternal weakness after childbirth

Symptoms and signs of postpartum wear are common

Thin and thin body, difficulty gaining weight, poor resistance, and susceptibility to many diseases are common signs of women suffering from postpartum wear.

With normal postpartum postpartum disease, the mother's body will be thin and pale, even though she is well cared for with good nutrition and adequate rest.

The mother loses weight rapidly after giving birth or loses weight a few weeks later. At the same time, the mother often has the phenomenon of stomach upset, intestinal pains, not wanting to eat.

Postpartum edema still includes symptoms that closely resemble conventional cachexia but is accompanied by more complex symptoms such as swelling of the limbs. Some cases also develop facial swelling.

Can worn postpartum be cured?

Postpartum women with postpartum cachexia need to supplement many foods containing many nutrients. If you do not know what your mother's diet is, you should absolutely remember not to eat fishy foods, cold foods or foods that are difficult to digest.

At the same time should add multivitamins including vitamins C, E, K, iron-rich foods or take iron tablets every day.

Practice adequate resting habits and should regular gentle exercise to circulate blood, stimulate appetite and help the body absorb well.

Postpartum wear and tear - "Thief" of maternal and baby nutrition

The menu for mothers after giving birth, escaping super-speed "stork" postpartum weight loss is a keyword always "hot" on Google, but few people know that the menu for mothers after giving birth to gain weight also receives a lot of attention. Women's Association. If it is the menu for her to give birth to milk, it is even more a great choice.


Besides, doctors also recommend that women give birth often, should not have sex before 2 months after birth.

Because after giving birth, a woman's uterus and genitals are damaged. If the couple has sex soon, it will make the uterus and genitals worse, leading to infection, inflammation ...

This also affects the mother's health and well-being. For women with a cesarean delivery , it is necessary to wait for the wound to fully recover before having sex.

If sex is too early, the wound will be damaged, easy to get ulcers, which are dangerous for the health of pregnant women.

How to cure postpartum wasting

One of the important things is that you need to add nutritious foods to your body at this time. Mother should add 4 groups of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals and do the following:

The daily menu should include plenty of green vegetables and fruits.

Drink enough 2-3 liters of water per day.

Be active regularly, if you cannot do the exercises, you should start with gentle and simple movements such as walking.

Share less burden of child care or do housework with your husband to have time to rest

Take some time for yourself to do the things you love.

Always think positively and stay relaxed.

Keep the body clean, especially the areas with wounds, because at this time mother's organs are very weak, so it is easy to get infected.

Continuing to take supplements, mothers should consult with their doctor about the medicines they are taking.

Postpartum wear and tear - "Thief" of maternal and baby nutrition

Mother should eat well, exercise regularly to improve health

Mother after giving birth, what to do after giving birth?

Mother should supplement themselves with a reasonable diet, do not be afraid to gain weight. Should eat a full 4 food groups are fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Mother should eat foods such as beef, chicken market, ribs, fish, milk, ... to help mothers have a healthy body but also produce enough milk for breastfeeding.

In addition, mothers should supplement the body with a variety of green vegetables and fruits to provide vitamins and fiber. These substances are essential for mothers to overcome constipation and postpartum hemorrhoids.

Mother should regularly exercise the body with gentle exercises such as walking, shaking circles, yoga, ... to increase resistance, help health quickly recover.

Besides, it is very important to keep yourself a comfortable spirit and avoid anxiety. To do this, mothers do not hesitate to share the work of taking care of the baby with her husband or family members.

Everyone will help moms bathe the baby, breastfeed, change diapers, ... From there, the mother will have time to rest, relax, regain strength, and avoid body weakness.

The consequences of postpartum wear and tear 

Women who suffer from postpartum wear often have a thin body, difficult to gain weight, and have poor resistance to many diseases. Moreover, when the mother's body lacks nutrients, the milk supply is not guaranteed.

Breastfed babies will not get all the nutrients they need to develop healthy and intelligent. Therefore, mothers need to pay attention to their health, if necessary, they should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

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