Salt plays an important role, helping to balance the amount of water in cells, and keeping organs working normally. However, did you know that salt is on the list of "forbidden" foods for children under 1 year of age and eating in excess can affect the child's brain development? Every time you want to season your baby, do not forget the rules below
With the main components of chlorine and sodium, salt helps balance the fluids, ensuring the normal operation of the organs. In addition, as recommended, to support the functioning of the thyroid gland, stimulate physical and brain growth, mothers should add iodized salt to their child's daily meals . However, how to supplement correctly?
Wanting your baby to develop healthy, salt is one of the indispensable parts in the daily nutritional menu for your baby
1 / For children under 1 year old
Although salt is on the list of "taboo" in the diet for babies under 1 year old , in fact, babies still need to supplement mother salt! For babies aged 0-6 months, each day, children need less than 1 g of salt, and their needs have been met by the amount of milk "loaded" in each feed.
From 6 - 12 months old, your child's salt needs also increase, but still "packed" within 1 g of salt per day. With this "meager" demand, the "available" salt content in the natural foods that mothers feed their babies to weaning has also added enough for babies.
Not only is it unnecessary, adding salt to your child's food during this period can in turn harm your baby's development. The reason is that the baby's kidney function is still very immature, not "metabolizing" all the body salt intake, causing the kidneys to work overload. In addition, some studies also show that feeding children too salty can seriously damage the development of the brain, and even be fatal.
Finding the "killer" that kills your child's brain cells Immediately after birth, a baby's brain has formed a significant number of neurons, and within the first year after birth, the baby's brain develops. Develops at an astonishing speed, doubling in size at birth. However, from time to time, some habits and diets have ...
2 / Children over 1 year old: How much salt is added?
Your baby's salt needs will vary from stage to stage.
1-3 years: every day, babies need about 2g of salt
- 4-6 years old: the baby's daily need is about 3g salt
- 7-10 years old: babies need 5g of salt / day
- From 11 years old: the baby's daily salt needs is equivalent to a real adult, about 6g salt / day.
In particular, 75% of the child's daily salt needs will be supplemented through processed foods such as bread, cereals. The rest of the needs, the baby will "load" more through the amount of salt the mother added to the dish. However, this salt is very small. Therefore, when cooking food, mothers should limit the amount of salt, season to taste or light season to use more dipping sauce. In addition, when buying processed foods, mothers should check product information to avoid giving babies too much salt during the day.
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