These massage techniques are very good for babies, especially babies entering the crawling stage. To increase effectiveness, do not massage your baby before or after eating or when your baby is sleepy.
When your baby is ready, you need to put a clean towel on the floor and a small cup of plant-based massage oil. Place your baby on a cotton towel and can add a thin pillow layer if needed.
>> See also: Massage for the baby, you already know how?
1. Feet
This is the best place to get used to the massage because the feet are less sensitive than other parts of the body. Rub the oil into your palms, then stroke your baby's feet one by one from the thighs to the ankles, as if you were pulling the cord of a window roll. Then, the hands form a circle around the baby's thigh, gently rotate the hands from thigh to ankle to massage all of the baby's legs. Switch legs and repeat.
2. Feet
One hand holds the ankles raised, one hand turns the foot several times clockwise, then counterclockwise. Swipe gently from the baby's ankle to the tip of his toes. Switch sides and repeat.
3. Soles of the feet
Use your thumb to gently circularly massage the heels. Repeat for the other leg.
4. Toes
Hold each of the baby's toes with the index and thumb, and gently pull from the inside out. Repeat for all 10 toes.
5. Arm
The same movement with the legs.
6. Hands
Use your thumb to rub your baby's palm, especially the back of the hand, in a circle pattern.
7. Fingers
Gently hold your baby's finger between thumb and index finger, then pull from the inside out. Repeat for all 10 fingers.
8. Chest
Place hands in V-position over baby's chest. Then, swipe your fingers on the baby's chest in an inside-out direction.
9. Chest - Abdomen
Place one hand flat on the baby's chest, gently stroke from chest to thigh. Do it with your hands alternating.
10. Baby's back
Let the baby lie on his stomach. Use your fingertips to massage small circles along the spine from neck to buttock.
Next, place your hands on the baby's back horizontally, wrapping your hands across the baby's back. Repeatedly.
Note when massage for babies, just use moderate force, do not do too hard to cause pain. You should observe the baby during the massage, if you do the right thing, the baby will often be relaxed, comfortable, just like our adults when we go to massage.