Is pregnancy at menopause possible?

Pregnancy at menopause is completely possible, but not easy because of the difficulties that age brings to couples.

A number of factors combine to make both conception and having a healthy pregnancy more difficult for older women . The closer you get to perimenopause , the more irregular ovulation becomes, making it harder to conceive.

While men are constantly producing new sperm , women don't reproduce any more. By the age of 40, eggs in older women increase the risk of chromosomal abnormalities. In addition, pregnancy at menopause also puts women at an increased risk of health problems and pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure and diabetes .


Women in their 40s have a harder time conceiving than younger women

A 30-year-old woman has a 20% chance of conceiving at any given time. At the age of 40, this rate drops to 5%. By age 45, the chance of having a healthy pregnancy every month will be only 1%. That is why women over 35 who wish to become pregnant must see a doctor who specializes in infertility.

Can women in their 40s still be pregnant?

If you still have your menstrual cycle, you are still likely to be pregnant. To prevent pregnancy, you can use methods IUD  - intrauterine device (IUD) or birth control pills rheumatoid. They can help ease the symptoms of premenopause.

In addition, you and your partner need to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV , and follow the rules of safe sex , even if you are postmenopausal so that you are unlikely to get the disease. .

What are the risks of pregnancy at menopause?

Is pregnancy at menopause possible?



Medically, this risk increases significantly with age. In women over the age of 40, gestational diabetes has a double risk, the risk of high blood pressure and placenta problems, such as strikers equally, increases.

Women over 40 will have a cesarean section rate of 50%, which is much higher than the average rate. The reason is that their uterus is not working as well to get the baby out. Older women are also more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy .

As you get older, pregnancy becomes more dangerous and it becomes more difficult to get back in shape and weight.

In general, miscarriages are fairly common in women of all ages, but about 20% of women in their 30s experience miscarriages. This means that 1 out of 5 pregnant mothers will have a miscarriage. Between the ages of 40 and 44, that number rises to 33%, and by the age of 45, the percentage rises to 50%.

Is the fetus at risk?

If you are pregnant at menopause, your baby will be at a higher risk of Down syndrome , premature birth and stillbirth than other babies when they are born . For example, a woman in her 40s has a risk of 1/100, 10 times that of a 25 year old woman. For women aged 49, this risk would be one in ten.

The risk of birth defects or chromosomal abnormalities is even greater. This is precisely why many older women use donor eggs to get pregnant. Regardless of your age, it is important to discuss genetic tests with your gynecologist.

What are the advantages of pregnancy at menopause?

Is pregnancy at menopause possible?



Many older women feel comfortable during pregnancy at this age because of psychological well-being as well as better improved skin. Through the years of passionate youth devoted to the career, you finally feel ready to raise a child and this feeling is so important. Having enough financial conditions to raise children is also essential to prepare for the future of children from conception.

How can older women ensure the best pregnancy?

The most important thing is that pregnant mothers must receive proper care before giving birth as well as reach a normal weight to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition, adding organic foods and learning how to remove stress during pregnancy are also very effective!

Hopefully, through the above information, it will help couples to make the right decisions about having a baby in the future!


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