Down syndrome

Learn about Pataus syndrome in babies

Learn about Pataus syndrome in babies

Like Edward and Down, Patau syndrome is an inherited syndrome that seriously affects the health of a baby while still in the womb.

Necessity of a tripple test during pregnancy

Necessity of a tripple test during pregnancy

While your baby is still a fetus, you will need to do a lot of tests such as tripple test to ensure stable condition.

Prenatal screening: Women aged 35 should not be missed!

Prenatal screening: Women aged 35 should not be missed!

Prenatal screening test before women are 35 years old to find out if their baby has Down syndrome through ultrasound, Double Test, Triple Test, placenta biopsy

Why do babies slowly gain weight?

Why do babies slowly gain weight?

The fact that babies are slow to gain weight makes many mothers and fathers worried. Let's go find the cause of this situation to have a remedy.

Amniocentesis helps in early detection of fetal defects

Amniocentesis helps in early detection of fetal defects

Amniocentesis is a medical method to detect fetal abnormalities in the first few months of pregnancy and help mothers decide whether to keep the pregnancy.

Do you know about double test for pregnant mothers?

Do you know about double test for pregnant mothers?

Double test test for pregnant mother is a process to determine if the fetus has any defects right from the time when the mother is pregnant in an early stage.

8 things about genetic testing not everyone knows

8 things about genetic testing not everyone knows

aFamilyToday Health - Genetic testing is currently considered the most advanced method to determine the risk of birth defects or not.

Is pregnancy at menopause possible?

Is pregnancy at menopause possible?

Pregnancy at menopause is completely possible, but not easy because of the difficulties that age brings to couples.

Very good secret for families who want to have triplets

Very good secret for families who want to have triplets

Having triplets is a dream of many families. Although this phenomenon is rare, if desired, there are still some tips to increase your chances of success.

12-week pregnancy ultrasound: what will pregnant mothers know?

12-week pregnancy ultrasound: what will pregnant mothers know?

Ultrasound of the 12th week of pregnancy or ultrasound of the first trimester is an important time because it will help pregnant women detect abnormal problems.