Menstrual cycle

What do you know about developmental delay syndrome?

What do you know about developmental delay syndrome?

aFamilyToday Health - Developmental delay syndrome is a condition in which the fetus is malnourished while still in the uterus, so it will be smaller than normal.

Week 4

Week 4

To the 4th week of pregnancy, the mother's body and fetus have made certain changes. So what is it? Let's explore with aFamilyToday Health!

Fertility drugs Clomiphene

Fertility drugs Clomiphene

Have you ever learned about assisted reproductive yet? If so, you probably know that Clomiphene fertility treatment is a very popular method.

Treat polycystic ovary syndrome when trying to get pregnant

Treat polycystic ovary syndrome when trying to get pregnant

Treatment for polycystic ovaries is essential for women who want to have a baby in the future but have this disease.

High intensity exercise makes it difficult for women to get pregnant

High intensity exercise makes it difficult for women to get pregnant

Did you know that intense exercise or too hard exercise can be the cause of your pregnancy difficulty?

How to calculate ovulation days for easy conception or contraception as desired

How to calculate ovulation days for easy conception or contraception as desired

Applying the day of ovulation will help you increase your chances of conceiving, increase your chances of having a desired baby or natural contraception.

Blood reported pregnancy in a few days? How to distinguish from menstruation

Blood reported pregnancy in a few days? How to distinguish from menstruation

You need to know how many days the pregnancy occurs to avoid mistaking the menstrual phenomenon as well as help take care of the pregnancy in the first place.

7 most recognizable signs of ovulation

7 most recognizable signs of ovulation

You can completely determine the time of ovulation in your menstrual cycle by observing the ovulation signs easily. Along with aFamilyToday Health, we will check 7 the most basic signs of ovulation.

Can you get pregnant on the day of your period?

Can you get pregnant on the day of your period?

Many people wonder if having sex during menstruation will the chance of pregnancy be high or low? For more information, please refer to the following readings.

7 tips for easy pregnancy not everyone knows

7 tips for easy pregnancy not everyone knows

You have been waiting for a little angel for a long time but still have not had good news? Get your pocket right now 7 tips for easy conception through the following article offline!

How does a cold uterus affect pregnancy?

How does a cold uterus affect pregnancy?

A cold uterus sounds strange to you? To understand more about this situation and successful early pregnancy, read the following article of aFamilyToday Health!

Is using herbs an easy way to conceive for women?

Is using herbs an easy way to conceive for women?

Many people are using herbs because they believe they are one of the easy ways to get pregnant. Is this true or is it just a rumor?

Check out 6 causes of difficulty conceiving that you may be facing

Check out 6 causes of difficulty conceiving that you may be facing

Your husband and wife are completely healthy, do not use contraceptive methods, are very harmonious in sex story ... but still difficult to conceive without knowing the reason?

Is pregnancy at menopause possible?

Is pregnancy at menopause possible?

Pregnancy at menopause is completely possible, but not easy because of the difficulties that age brings to couples.

When does my postpartum menstrual cycle return?

When does my postpartum menstrual cycle return?

Women often have many questions about the menstrual cycle after giving birth. Let aFamilyToday Health answer your questions right away.