Increase resistance for your baby with massage

Massage regularly and properly will help strengthen and adjust the digestive system, help blood circulation, perfect the circulatory system and develop the immature respiratory system of the child.

Massage for the baby will help blood circulation, the baby's respiratory system is more complete and contribute to increasing the resistance of the baby.

The benefits of massage to the immune system
Why massage can help babies increase their resistance ? Scientists have proven that regular and proper massage will help strengthen and regulate the digestive system, help blood circulation, complete the circulatory system and develop the immature respiratory system of the child. In particular, for premature babies, massage is more meaningful in strengthening the immune system so that the baby can resist disease and bacteria. This activity also helps stimulate the release of hormones - hormones in the body (endorphins), help ease pain and reduce the circulation of painful and stressful hormones in the baby's blood.


The University of Warwick research team (UK) also systematized the use of infant massage in their scientific report with the concise words: “Sleep More, Cry Less and Be Less Stressed ”(better sleep, less crying and less stress). With the baby having deep sleep, less awakening and crying at night, the child's resistance is also enhanced. Sleep is closely related to children's resistance because it helps to develop natural shock cells - weapons of the immune system that attack bacteria and cancer cells. From 6-12 months old, babies need between 14 and 16 hours of sleep a day.


Increase resistance for your baby with massage

Massage helps your baby improve the body's resistance

Note when massaging the baby
However, the baby massage process needs to be done carefully in every detail. In the infancy stage, the baby's skin and other parts of the body are very sensitive and fragile. If not done properly, the great benefits of massage are not only not promoted but also "counterproductive". Mothers should note the following golden rules when giving massage to children:

Hygiene:  Massage for the baby should focus on preventing the risk of bacteria entering the baby's body through the skin. You need to wash your hands to kill bacteria before massaging your baby's body. Nails need to be cut short to limit bacteria and not damage young skin. The mother's hair should be tied neatly and to avoid as much as possible the sweat from the mother's forehead falls on the child's skin.

Pay attention to the surroundings to make sure the towel or mattress placed on top of the baby is washed and sanitized. Avoid wind, dust, limit the room door opening as well as others touch the baby during the baby massage.

Time:  Do not massage for children too long in one time, but only need 3-5 minutes for children under 6 months old, 5-15 minutes for children 6-12 months old and gradually increase the time as babies bigger. Each day should only massage 1-2 times. Should be done in the early morning or afternoon, bathing your baby after massage.

Cosmetics: If using essential oils such as: lavender, vanni, lemon ..., mothers need to make sure to choose the right kind to not irritate the baby's skin. Should consult your doctor and counselor at the store to learn more about how to use and choose these products. Absolutely not let essential oils fall into the child's eyes, nose, mouth, or ears and take care to prevent them from sucking their hands after the massage. Do not pour essential oils directly onto the baby's skin, but put it in the mother's palm, massage well before proceeding with the massage process. Avoid using massage oil on the baby's face and head to ensure safety.

Romance:  In order to tighten the bond of affection, when massaging the child, the mother should look at the child with loving eyes; Speak to your baby softly and gently caress your baby. Babies can feel the mother's feelings and develop language through such visual contact.

Things we need to avoid:

In the process of massaging the baby, mothers should pay attention to avoid unnecessary mistakes to ensure that they do not damage the baby's delicate body:

When the baby's skin shows signs of redness or discomfort, it is necessary to stop the massage immediately and check the whole process. Maybe the mother did not massage the baby properly, it took too long ...

Do not massage when your baby is sick. When a baby has symptoms of fever or illness, the baby's skin will become more sensitive and massage directly on his body can be counterproductive, making him sick, susceptible to colds or worse.

3 steps massage for baby:


Face massage : Use your thumb and gently push from nose to two ears, draw a smiley face, then push across cheeks to forehead and finally gently massage baby's cheeks.

Abdominal Massage : Use 4 fingers to gently place on baby's abdomen, gently massage in a clockwise circle on the baby's abdomen.

Chest massage : Use the back of the hand to gently place on the baby's heart, then massage the two sides, pay attention to even and moderate force.

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