How to cook crab porridge for children to be lazy to eat and gain weight fast

How to cook crab porridge for children to be lazy to eat is not too difficult for the mother to be sure because the baby's food basically does not need to combine too many ingredients and spices. As long as the crab is fresh, the vegetables are clean enough to be delicious.


How many months baby can I eat crab?

Crab porridge cooked with what?

What vegetables cooked with vegetables?

How to cook pumpkin crab porridge

How to cook carrot crab porridge

The calcium phosphate composition in copper crab is very good for rickets. This is also the type of food that in addition to cooking porridge for your baby can also be processed into many delicious snacks.

In 100 grams of crab with apricot and bib has: 74.4g of water, 12.3g of protid, 3.3g of lipids, 2g of glucide, providing 89g of calories. In particular, the amount of vitamins, mineral salts, calcium in crab is very high: 5,040mg calcium, 430mg phosphorus, 4.7mg of iron, vitamins B1, B2, PP ...


How many months baby can I eat crab?

The crab is a type of seafood. And in the process of raising children, every mother knows that the protein in seafood in general as well as fish often causes allergies to the child, so from the 7th month onwards, the baby should get acquainted with seafood. Mom needs to feed the baby slowly, little by little to adjust gradually. For children with atopic allergies, mothers need to be more cautious.


How to cook crab porridge for children to be lazy to eat and gain weight fast

If processed properly, crabs provide a lot of nutrition for children

Crab porridge cooked with what?

The main ingredients for cooking crab porridge for babies are rice flour, bean flour or glutinous rice, non-glutinous rice, some accompanying spices and certainly indispensable vegetables to add fiber to your baby.

Although crab is not a food containing natural toxins, but if mothers are not careful when choosing and processing, it will cause many consequences for their children's health. Do not leave crabs in the freezer, thawed many times, then the crab will be invaded by bacteria, causing poisoning for the baby. Do not feed your baby too much, causing digestive problems .

What vegetables cooked with vegetables?

Field crab is a food with a very unique fishy taste, so not having to cook porridge with any vegetables is also suitable for children to eat , especially children under 1 year old. However, you can still combine crab with many types of vegetables, most notably carrots, pumpkin, water spinach, spinach or spinach ...

How to cook pumpkin crab porridge

Crab rich in protein, pumpkin rich in vitamin A, 2 ingredients combine to create a nutritious and delicious porridge for your baby.


 100gr of crab

100gr pumpkin

White porridge simmered

Spices: Fish sauce, salt, salmon oil, onions


Wash the field crab, remove the crab shell. Crab meat soaked with water and 1 teaspoon of salt for about 15 minutes to allow the worms and flukes to go out

The bricks in the crab shell are separated.

Put the crab meat in the mortar or blender, add a little salt to make the crab meat delicious and tender. Then carefully filter the juice.

Chopped dry onions. Heat cooking oil, add onions to non-aromatic, stir crab bricks evenly, season with a little water.

Shredded pumpkin for, steamed.

Boil all filtered crab juice, add white porridge and crab bricks to a boil.

Put the pumpkin in, use a spoon to grind, scoop into a bowl, add 1/2 teaspoon of salmon oil, wait for it to cool, then feed.

Small tip: Fish sauce is also a plentiful source of calcium, mothers can season fish sauce instead of MSG, MSG, and salt when cooking porridge for babies.

How to cook crab porridge for children to be lazy to eat and gain weight fast

The crab can be combined with many different vegetables and fruits

How to cook carrot crab porridge

Carrots are a type of tuber that many mothers believe to use when feeding babies. When combined with crab, the taste of carrots is not changed too much, and your baby will enjoy this new taste.


100gr of crab

100gr carrot

White porridge simmered

Spices: Fish sauce, salt, salmon oil, onions



Wash the field crab, remove the crab shell. Crab meat soaked with water and 1 teaspoon of salt for about 15 minutes to allow the worms and flukes to go out

The bricks in the crab shell are separated.

Put the crab meat in the mortar or blender, add a little salt to make the crab meat delicious and tender. Then carefully filter the juice.

Chopped dry onions. Heat cooking oil, add onions to non-aromatic, stir crab bricks evenly, season with a little water.

Chopped carrots, steamed.

Boil all filtered crab juice, add white porridge and crab bricks to a boil.

Put the carrot in a spoon to grind, scoop into a bowl, add 1/2 teaspoon of salmon oil, wait for it to cool, then feed.

Small Tip: Monosodium glutamate, salt, soup powder is not good for the health of children because he affects the baby's brain, digestive system and reduced height growth. So when cooking porridge mothers should not add the above spices to the food when babies are under 1 year old.

How to cook crab porridge for children to be lazy to eat and gain weight fast

Suggestions for porridge for 7-month-old babies "grow fast like blowing" After 1 month getting used to different foods, the 7-month-old baby's digestive system is much more complete. Children can eat fish, meat, seafood ... So when making porridge for 7-month-old babies, mothers can combine vegetables and fish meat to supplement their baby's nutrition.


The way to cook crab porridge for children is relatively different from sea crabs, so mothers need to pay attention, especially in the selection of crabs, grinding or pounding, to carefully filter them to avoid leaving more hard parts that cause injuries when eating.

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