Help your child overcome fear

Babies always have a feeling of fear even though in reality there is no threat. It is simply speculations and imaginations that appear in the baby's mind.

Why are children afraid?

Due to the rich imagination, the baby's ability to imagine reaches a terrible level, unable to brake in time. Children always imagine all the problems they see every day and believe that they are true. Your baby's fantasies are endless and unlimited. Babies always have a feeling of fear even though in reality there is no threat. It is simply speculations and imaginations that appear in the baby's mind.

Because he feels small: he finds himself unable to run very fast to escape the stalking threat, for example a big dog, an older child sticking out his tongue to tease him. The baby realizes that he is not strong and not as big as many older people present before him. The baby feels weak and the fear also grows.

Children cannot distinguish between the real world and the fantasy world. Pretend play sometimes makes your child think it's the truth and burst into tears when you pretend to be a witch or a giant teasing your baby.

Help your child overcome fear

Children always imagine the problem they see every day and believe it to be true and become afraid.

Children have very different definitions of objects and things than adults, partly due to their ability to imagine. Adults and children are very different, the objects that you think are small, for children, it is huge and has a rather odd shape. For example, children see the shadow of other people like a monster, because they see the shadow and big.

Classify your fears


The basic fear is usually the fear of losing. Children always want to win every game, so they do not want to be placed in a strange situation and not ready in any new environment. Children sense that it is quite a difficult challenge and cannot be overcome.

Fear can stem from the fear of losing love. Children want to be cared for, worried and cuddled up all day. Children are afraid of sharing their feelings when another child appears. Children are afraid you leave them alone when you go to work, so they cling to their parents when strangers show up. Surprisingly, some tiny animals make children feel more afraid than big animals. Babies are afraid, sometimes because of the word "chain reaction" from adults. For example, when a baby's mother screams while moving because she sees a spider, then she will also feel scared of the animal.

Help your baby overcome fear


If your child is always weak and afraid of everything, encourage him or her to be brave and work to overcome his fear .

Do not let your baby watch horror movies, scary pictures.

When the baby is afraid, adults do not scold, but talk to children in a kind and gentle manner. Your comfort will help your baby feel more confident.

Tell your baby many stories of courage. After each story, with your child draw lessons to apply in their life.

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