Fresh milk for 1 year old baby - Which one do you choose?

In addition to formula milk, fresh milk is also a complete source of essential nutrients for growth. Step through the first year of life is the most appropriate period for your baby to drink fresh milk. However, do you know the best fresh milk for 1 year old babies yet?


Why is fresh milk only suitable for babies over 1 year old?

Which 1 year old baby drink milk is good?

Note when giving fresh milk to your baby

Not only is a rich source of calcium, essential to building strong bones and teeth, fresh milk also helps regulate blood clotting and control muscles during contraction and stretching of muscles on skeletal and smooth muscles. If you get enough calcium when you grow up, your baby has a lower risk of high blood pressure, colon cancer, stroke or other bone problems.

Fresh milk is also one of the few sources of vitamin D that helps the body absorb calcium easily. Moreover, the protein content of raw milk is essential for growth as well as carbohydrates provide your baby with energy for the day.


With great benefits on, experts encourage mothers to infant 1 year and older drank fresh milk alongside meals snack . However, do you know how to choose fresh milk for a 1 year old baby?


Fresh milk for 1 year old baby - Which one do you choose?

Nutritional value in fresh milk is enough to ensure a comprehensive development of the baby

Why is fresh milk only suitable for babies over 1 year old?

The digestive system of children under 12 months of age is still quite immature, so it is impossible to digest the abundant protein content as well as minerals in fresh milk. If giving infants fresh milk early for a long time, it will damage the kidneys, disturb the digestive system ...

In the first year of life, the baby's need for iron and vitamin C is quite high, but fresh milk does not provide enough of these two ingredients. Accordingly, the newborn easily faces the risk of iron deficiency anemia.

Which 1 year old baby drink milk is good?

There are many different types of fresh milk on the market today, so before starting to use, mothers need to learn carefully. Experts also recommend mothers should based on the needs of each baby to choose the most suitable type.


Fresh milk for 1 year old baby - Which one do you choose?

The standard numbers of nutrition for a 1 year old baby Turning 1 year old, in addition to breastfeeding, the child starts to learn to eat and become familiar with a diverse and rich world of nutrition. How do I know if my baby is fully provided with nutrients for comprehensive development? Mom do not ignore the following standard numbers on nutrition for a 1 year old baby!



1. Whole milk fresh milk

Milk that contains 100% whole fresh cow's milk without adding or removing any substances made by cow's milk. Accordingly, whole milk has a very high content of nutrients such as protein, calcium, and phosphorus.

However, because it contains too many nutrients, whole milk is only suitable for babies with rickets and slow growth. For babies who are overweight or have reached the standard weight, mothers should not choose whole milk to limit uncontrolled weight gain. In addition, whole milk is not an option for babies who are allergic to the ingredients in cow's milk.

2. Skim fresh milk

Skimmed fresh milk, also known as non-fat milk, is fresh milk applied with centrifugal technology to separate fat in milk. This type of milk is not recommended for babies 1 year old because this time babies need a lot of fat to help the brain develop. However, for babies who are overweight and obese, mothers can give their babies skim milk to lose weight.

3. Low-fat fresh milk

Like skim milk, low-fat fresh milk also reduces the fat content of milk by 1 - 1.8%. Although the amount of fat is reduced, the composition of other nutrients is still ensured for the baby's development. If you want your baby to keep a normal weight and still provide enough fat, the mother can give him a drink of low-fat fresh milk.

4. Milk with sugar and no sugar

To suit the needs and preferences of consumers, manufacturers can add sugar or no sugar to the above fresh milk at the appropriate rate. Usually your baby will prefer the sugary type because it's easy to drink. However, mothers need to rinse their mouths after drinking to avoid tooth decay. At the same time, reduce the amount of sugar taken into the body through other food sources to avoid the risk of disease.

Although it is difficult to drink, unsweetened milk is very good for overweight babies because it will reduce the amount of sugar that the body absorbs.

Note when giving fresh milk to your baby

Although it contains many nutrients, fresh milk can not be substituted for children's daily meals. Therefore, in parallel with drinking milk, mothers still need to strengthen nutritional resources from food for babies.

Children from 1-2 years old can drink 500-700ml of milk / day. However, mothers should let babies drink between fresh milk and formula milk to help diversify the child's diet.

Children should not drink fresh milk before meals, because it can make children lazy to eat.

The best time of day to drink milk: 2-3 hours before bed. Not only helps babies sleep better, drinking milk at night also helps to absorb calcium better.

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