Food helps babies strengthen memory

Fish, eggs, milk, beans are very good for enhancing memory in children. So, let your baby eat these foods in meals to help your baby's brain develop well

1. Avocado

Avocado contains more than 14 vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, selenium ... and many nutrients good for your baby's health and brain such as high protein content, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids. In which anti-erasing substances in avocados, B vitamins help enhance memory; unsaturated fats help the development of the central nervous system as well as the baby's brain; Omega 6 in avocado helps brain development ... Therefore avocado is a very good food for children's brain development.


2. Pumpkin


Food helps babies strengthen memory

In the composition of pumpkin contains a lot of brain-friendly substances such as agginin, glycin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, B, folic acid ... especially glutamic acid plays an important role in nourishing nerves. Supports metabolic responses in nerve cells and brain, promotes learning and memory so that pumpkin is considered a brain food, memory enhancement.

3. Types of fish

Food helps babies strengthen memory

Fish is one of the foods that is very good for the brain, especially salmon and tuna because these are two types of fish that contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids - important substances in brain structure and necessary for The development of brain function, enhances concentration, helps nerve cells communicate with each other effectively, making the learning and memory process highly effective. Since the body does not produce fatty acids on its own, you need to supplement it through food. In addition, the vitamin B3 in fish also helps to combat memory loss.

4. Peanuts (peanuts)

Food helps babies strengthen memory

Surely you will be very surprised when the list of foods good for the brain includes peanuts. The reason is that vitamin B3 and niacin in peanuts are essential for the function of tissues, nerves and synthesis of neurotransmitters. In addition, lexinthin and phospholipids in peanuts help the brain maintain activity and help prolong the life of nerve cells. So there is a good reason why peanuts are classified as one of the foods good for the brain?

5. Eggs

Food helps babies strengthen memory

Egg yolks (eggs, ducks, quails ...) have a lot of lecithin, when tolerated in the body will be synthesized into colinne, this is a very important substance for the brain, at the same time it is also works to enhance memory. Therefore, we can be completely assured when adding eggs to the baby's menu, but because eggs are high in cholesterol, you should not let your child eat many eggs, the best is to feed your baby about 3 eggs / week. . Raw eggs should not be eaten as they can become infected with salmonella.

6. Milk and yogurt

Dairy products and yogurt contain a lot of good nutrients to help the body develop comprehensively, including the mind. The reason is that in milk, yogurt is rich in protein and vitamin B plays an important role in the development of brain and nerve tissue. Therefore, adding milk and dairy products to the menu will help improve the child's nervous system and brain.

7. The apple

Food helps babies strengthen memory

Do you know the reason that apples are considered the fruit of wisdom? The reason is that apples contain acetycholine (neurotransmitter) and antioxidants in apples that protect the brain.

One thing to note is that when eating apples, instead of removing the peel, you should wash and eat the peel because the ingredients in the apple peel contain querceytin that helps the brain to avoid stress and enhance memory, which is proven by scientists. Smart helps brain development and fight dementia.

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