During the winter I dont get sick thanks to keeping these 6 parts warm!

Keeping winter warm for children to remember these 6 important body parts to ensure the winter is cold as well as children do not have to see the doctor.


The thin nose

Wear a shirt that covers your stomach

Always wear a warm scarf on your throat

Warm ears

Don't forget to keep your back warm

Hands and feet

Saigon is getting cold, the North welcomes consecutive cold and damaging waves. The family has babies and young children, mothers need to pay attention to keep their babies warm in winter so they do not get sick or often "visit" the doctor.

6 parts mothers need special care after giving birth in winter: nose, hands and feet, back, abdomen, ears and throat.


During the winter I don't get sick thanks to keeping these 6 parts warm!

Babies and babies are two subjects that need to be warmed thoroughly in the Cold Winter!

The thin nose

The nose is the part of the body that is constantly in contact with the air because the main task is breathing. The red nose is a natural reaction when exposed to unprotected cold weather for too long.


Common winter nose diseases: runny nose, stuffy nose, flu, dry nose, broken capillaries, nose bleeds ...

To protect their child's tiny, fragile and fragile nose, parents need to give special priority to keeping warm whenever possible. Going outside should wear a mask or a full hat, with infants covering the head with a thin towel.

If you must move out for a long time, when you return home, you need to immediately regain your baby's warmth by massaging along the nose wings.

Wear a shirt that covers your stomach

Children who are learning to walk or are in the rebellious age of 2 or 3 are often quite naughty. The story of the baby climbing, running and jumping is normal and there is almost no way to prevent and force the baby to sit still. If the shirt is not long enough, the abdomen will be exposed and cold. And the diseases that can be encountered are diarrhea, indigestion, cold ...

It's best to buy instant items or body tops that have under the groin to make sure they don't pull over. Or choose to buy bibs to prevent pants slipping during exercise.

You can wear baby clothes to keep your stomach covered. Mom should choose head-to-toe instant clothes or body-tops that have under the groin to ensure the shirt is not pulled up. If you are afraid that you will kick off the open-stomach blanket at night, you can give them a sleeping bag.

Always wear a warm scarf on your throat

Just a little gap is the baby's throat immediately attacked by bacteria. Mild, flu and cough a few days severe is a persistent sore throat. Do not forget the warm scarf this winter!

Children often hate wearing towels because of the annoyance when playing, running and jumping. Especially boys, they often remove towels when they feel entangled but do not remember to put them on. At this point, the cold air will flow from the back of the neck to the ears and throat, causing the baby to feel cold thorns, affecting the larynx and pharynx causing coughing and hoarseness.

Warm ears

Children under 12 months old have not yet developed much hair, do not have a "fence" to protect, cold wind attacks are easy to get sick. So, when going outside, make sure to wear a hat, keep your head and ears warm.

During the winter I don't get sick thanks to keeping these 6 parts warm!

Don't forget these cute woolen hats for extra warmth!

Note, when entering a warmer, windy area, mothers should take off the child's hat to avoid the hat is too thick, causing heat, sweating a lot, causing adverse effects, even colds. Wearing a thick hat and pumpkin can also cause dizziness and discomfort. So, you should pay attention to the child wearing a soft, comfortable and well-ventilated hat!

Don't forget to keep your back warm

The back as well as the head also need to be kept warm in cold weather. However, the other kettle is hot. If it's hot, sweaty, cold, it is easier to get sick. You need to always pay attention to whether the baby's back is sweating, then know if the clothes you wear for your child are too hot or too cold to adjust.

In the cold weather, the baby can wear a vest, ensuring to keep the body warm, and help the child easily move and play.

During the winter I don't get sick thanks to keeping these 6 parts warm!

"Four warms one cold" is the winter dress code mother needs to know The rules for winter baby dressing you need to know is "four warm and one cold". Understanding and applying them properly will both help keep your baby warm and prevent respiratory diseases.


Hands and feet

The amount of fat under the child's feet is inherently very low, so heat retention is often poor and quite sensitive when the air is cold. When the weather gets cold, it's best to keep your child's feet warm with socks and choose a good sweat absorbent.

Similarly, hands need to be warm by wearing gloves. Cold-infected hands often show signs of redness or pale white, weakening of the hand joints, and wrinkled skin. If it is too cold, prompting your baby to rub his hands together will help keep them warm.

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