Not only is it bad for the health and development of your baby, but breastfeeding at later times can also harm your baby.
1. Mother's mood is not good
2. As soon as you exercise
3. When mom finished bathing
4. When the mother is being treated with medicine
5. When the mother has a breast abscess
6. When the mother has some acute diseases
The best time to wean?
Breast milk contains many nutrients that are essential for a baby's development. Therefore, most experts recommend that mothers should breastfeed for at least the first 6 months of life. However, in order for your baby to benefit the maximum from breast milk, you should avoid breastfeeding at the following times.
Breastfeeding at the wrong time is not only bad but also harmful to your baby's health
1. Mother's mood is not good
When the mother is uncomfortable, stressed, or angry, her body produces many toxins. These toxins will also get into breast milk, and can be passed on to your baby if you breastfeed right now. Moreover, according to experts, babies can also feel the mother's mood. The mother is not happy, the baby is also affected, leading to poor digestion, so the ability to absorb nutrients is also reduced.
Emotional stress and excessive anxiety when breastfeeding is also one of the leading causes of milk loss. Therefore, to ensure the source of milk as well as the quality of milk for the baby, mothers should try to keep a comfortable and optimistic mood.
Postpartum depression: Telling mothers how to prevent and treat Postpartum depression is very easy but not all mothers are aware that they are sick. Depression should not be confused with fatigue and stress due to child care because the longer it lasts, the worse the condition and causes many undesirable consequences.
2. As soon as you exercise
To quickly get in shape as well as improve health, postpartum mothers can walk, practice yoga or exercise exercises. This is very good. However, as soon as the exercise is completed, the mother should not breastfeed immediately to avoid adverse effects on the baby's health, because the mother's body is not in heat balance. Breastfed babies at this time may suffer from digestive disorders, adversely affecting health. Mom should wait at least 30 minutes for the body to return to balance, then breastfeed. Or mothers can express milk before training, to avoid hungry babies, mothers can not breastfeed in time.
3. When mom finished bathing
Like after exercising, after taking a bath, the mother's body temperature is not stable, the quality of milk is not guaranteed. You should wait for your body to return to its normal temperature to breastfeed.
You should also not breastfeed as soon as you come home from work. Dirt, sweat, bacteria can cling to clothes and reach babies, making them sick, because at this time, baby's resistance is still very weak. Ideally, mothers should change clothes, wash hands clean, squeeze out a little milk before feeding.
Kisses can put your baby at risk First time as a mother, you can't stop feeling happy and excited the first time you hold your baby in your arms, and placing a few kisses on your baby's body or even on the lips is what inevitable. However, be careful mom! Many unfortunate cases have happened just because the mother missed ... kissing the child
4. When the mother is being treated with medicine
Some drugs can be used while breastfeeding, but some are not. For health reasons, if forced to use these drugs, the best mother should stop breastfeeding and switch to thanks to the "nursing mother" - formula milk. Continued breast-feeding while taking medications can have a vital impact on the health and development of the baby .
5. When the mother has a breast abscess
When this happens, the breast becomes swollen and pus-filled, and even pus can spread to the milk gland. If the mother breastfeeds the baby can both the abscess cap, causing a negative impact on the baby's health. Mother should use a breast pump to remove the curd and pus, not to breastfeed the breast with an abscess.
6. When the mother has some acute diseases
If you are suffering from some acute diseases such as diarrhea, mumps, flu ..., mothers should stop breastfeeding for 1-2 days. You should express discarded milk, have a snack and drink water so that the milk gland still does its job. Note, when breast feeding, mothers remember to clean breast hygiene.
The best time to wean?
Health experts encourage mothers to breastfeed for at least the first 6 months of life so that babies can "get the most out" of the benefits of breast milk. Many experts also encourage mothers to breastfeed until the baby is 1 year old, even until 2 years old if the health status and quality of breast milk still meet the nutritional needs of the baby. In fact, the time to wean a baby depends much on the family situation. However, according to experts, mothers can breastfeed as long as they want, without forcing themselves to stop if they do not feel ready.