Choose milk for malnourished and stunted children - Mom needs to be awake

Milk for malnourished and stunted children is chosen by many mothers and viewed as an effective solution to help children gain weight and develop height quickly. However, parents also need to be very alert when making choices.


Choose reputable products, clear origin

Understand which ingredients in milk are most essential for malnourished children

Choose products that have been clinically proven

Choose reputable products, clear origin

Among the milk matrix for malnourished and stunted children, mothers need to be alert to choose the right products that are reputable and suitable for children. In fact, when children are malnourished, have weak resistance, are susceptible to disease, affect both physical and mental development. At this point, choosing the wrong product can make the child's condition worse.

To ensure the safety of the baby's health, mothers absolutely must not use products without labels or unclear origins. Instead, mothers should choose products from reputable brands and manufacturers in the market to help children quickly gain weight and catch up with growth.


Choose milk for malnourished and stunted children - Mom needs to be awake

Specialized milk for malnourished and stunted children is the solution chosen by many modern mothers

Understand which ingredients in milk are most essential for malnourished children

Depending on the child's condition, mothers should choose milk types that contain the right ingredients. For malnourished and stunted children, mothers can prioritize the use of whey protein-containing milk - an ingredient rich in Alpha-Lactalbumin with many essential amino acids and MCT fast-trans fats, which are easy to absorb. Support your baby to gain weight well. At the same time mothers also need to pay attention to the child's height development with calcium and vitamin D3 content in milk.


In addition, these types of milk also focus on helping children improve the digestive system, stimulating them to eat more delicious. Therefore, the composition of these types of milk often includes B vitamins to help improve the child's eating condition and good nutrients for the digestive system. Typically, soluble fiber Inulin & FOS with beneficial bacteria - probiotics - Bifidobacterium, BB-12TM. This duo will help the child's digestive system be healthy, thereby absorbing nutrients better.

One of the other prominent ingredients in malnourished infant milk is Colostrum colostrum. Considered as an absolute safe natural vaccine, Colostrum colostrum contains a lot of antibodies, vitamins A, C, D, E and essential minerals that help protect the child's intestinal tract from infections, enhance resistance, and prevent sick again and healthier.

Choose milk for malnourished and stunted children - Mom needs to be awake

Colostrum colostrum enhances resistance to help the process of gaining weight and height in children become easier

Choose products that have been clinically proven

The choice of milk for malnourished children has been clinically proven by the National Institute of Nutrition to help mothers feel secure when supplementing their babies. One of the products that mom can trust is Dielac Grow Plus.

In addition, Dielac Grow Plus products meet strict international standards such as:

Concentration of nutrients as recommended by CODEX: meet 100%.

Recommendations for children with malnutrition and stunting according to FAO / WHO: 100% response.

Supplement Calcium and Vitamin D3 according to DRI recommended nutritional needs - USA.

With the above proofs, surely Dielac Grow Plus can be seen as a reputable and truly effective solution, you can feel more secure when deciding to buy it!Choose milk for malnourished and stunted children - Mom needs to be awake

Choose milk for malnourished and stunted children - Mom needs to be awake

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