Children often vomit milk, vomiting, mother have to deal with?

When you see signs of vomiting, vomiting should be carefully monitored because it may be signs of calcium deficiency or a sign of disease related to the child's digestive disorder. Mother needs to find out carefully whether the baby is reflux or spitting up milk is a natural phenomenon or sign of disease.


What should babies do with reflux, spitting up their mother's milk?

Are symptoms of vomiting in young children dangerous?

How to treat vomiting in babies

What should babies do with reflux, spitting up their mother's milk?

Newborn vomiting, also known as vomiting, is a common phenomenon in babies aged 1-2 months with a weak digestive system, the valves in the stomach are not working properly, so when feeding, the baby easy to swallow gas in the stomach. This amount of "excess" not only makes the baby easier to fill, but also makes the baby often spit when the mother is lying on her side.

This phenomenon is quite common, so mothers can help their baby eliminate this risk by dividing the time to breastfeed to help the baby digest better. In addition, if the mother does not know when the baby eats up milk, how to overcome the mother can refer to some ways to help the baby such as:


For bottle-fed babies, mothers should keep the bottle tilted 45 degrees and use a special nipple to avoid swallowing too much excess air. At the same time, when the baby is finished feeding, the mother should not let the baby lie down immediately, but should find ways to burp the baby to "release" less excess air, to avoid making the baby bloated, indigestion.

With breastfed babies, if the amount of breastmilk to feed the baby is more than the amount of milk that the baby can swallow each time, the food in the stomach will swell, causing the baby to become reflux.

If you have tried to overcome many ways but your baby is still vomiting, take your baby to the doctor for examination and advice from the specialist.


Are symptoms of vomiting in young children dangerous?

Babies vomiting milk not simply as the above symptoms, if accompanied by unusual symptoms can be a sign of disease. Infants who persistently vomit milk even if they do not suck, or vomit and then suck, vomiting again can be caused by defects in the digestive tract such as esophageal stenosis, duodenal stenosis.

Some gastrointestinal obstruction, intestinal obstruction, common in children after 3 months of age, the child suddenly vomits, is feeding normally, suddenly screaming, bloating, the abdomen may swell ... need to be handled ambulance as soon as possible.


Children often vomit milk, vomiting, mother have to deal with?

Bottle feeding: Be careful with excess air Ingestion of air while you are feeding can cause a baby to become bloated or gas, especially in infants. Therefore, mothers need to minimize the amount of air in their baby's bottle to ensure the health of the baby. MarryBaby tells her mother simple ways to avoid air in ...



For babies who often suffer from reflux and startle with convulsions during sleep, twitching, mothers should review their diet for baby , or their daily nutrition in case of breastfed babies. This is a sign that the baby is deficient in calcium, which should be added immediately.

Newborns from 0-6 months old need about 300 mg calcium / day. Breast milk is the best source of calcium for your baby. In addition, mothers can also feed their baby yogurt made from formula milk suitable for each age.

How to treat vomiting in babies

Children often vomit milk, vomiting, mother have to deal with?

Babies who vomit can be caused by improper feeding

Swallowing is a natural reflex when your baby is breastfed or bottle-fed. However, if the baby's oral cavity is large and the amount of milk is high, the baby is more likely to vomit. This is a physiological sign of vomiting because the food in the stomach is pushed up into the esophagus and then over the mouth.

Vomiting can also be attributed to curiosity in infants. In the process of exploring the world around them, many babies like to put their fingers or an object in their mouths, leading to excessive open mouths and the vomiting reflex will occur soon after. In addition, feeding your baby more when it is full, overfilling a spoon can also cause your baby to "erupt".


Children often vomit milk, vomiting, mother have to deal with?

6 great ways to solve the situation of spitting up in babies Milk consumption is a fairly common case in babies, especially in the days when babies are just born. To reduce this situation, mothers need to change the way of feeding and pay attention to some issues in the life of the baby and family.



In order to avoid making babies prone to reflux, mothers should breastfeed slowly, with more times, with reduced milk volume each time. At the same time, the baby should only lie down after feeding about 15 minutes. For a bottle-feeding baby, tilt the bottle so that it covers the neck to avoid swallowing air in the stomach, causing vomiting. This situation will gradually decrease as the child grows up and can be completely lost without any other intervention.

With new mothers having children for the first time, it is certain that they will encounter this phenomenon once in a while. It is important that mothers have enough knowledge to handle and know about the specific phenomenon. The advice is that mothers should pay attention when they see babies with reflux with fever, cough, rash, abdominal pain, convulsions ... This is not physiological vomiting but a sign of pathology, related to the baby. have digestive disorders caused by intestinal infection or diarrhea, meningitis, milk allergy ... In these cases, the mother should bring the child to the doctor so that the child can be examined and promptly handled.

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