Breastfeeding: The baby has a thrush

Do you know what causes thrush - fungal infections in babies are the cause? You can also get a yeast infection while breastfeeding, so it's important to monitor your symptoms and treat them at the same time to avoid infecting each other and make it difficult to completely heal.

Thrush - a fungal infection in children
Fungal infections (also known as thrush in children) are caused by a harmless and normal fungus in a baby's mouth. This disease can affect your nipples while breastfeeding. Fungi are a normal factor in your digestive system, but if the number of mushrooms spikes, you will develop a yeast infection.

Many babies come into contact with the fungus for the first time traveling through the mother's birth canal (you may not realize that you have had a vaginal yeast infection during your pregnancy). After your baby is born or during labor, if you or your baby takes antibiotics, it can lead to a yeast infection. This is because antibiotics will appear in the milk and kill the "good" bacteria that control the growth of the fungus.


Therefore, babies born by cesarean section can also experience thrush if their mother takes antibiotics after surgery. Likewise, pregnant women who take group B antibiotics during labor also put their babies at risk for fungal infections.


You can also get a yeast infection from a baby, so you should get treatment for both mother and baby at the same time. If not, the mother and child will infect each other and it is difficult to completely cure the disease.

It is sometimes also difficult to determine the cause of a fungal infection. Some mothers and children are more susceptible to fungal infections than others. Fungi grow in warm, moist, and sugary environments. Your baby's mouth as well as your nipples meet these factors during the breastfeeding process.

Breastfeeding: The baby has a thrush

Some of the common signs of a fungal infection in nursing mothers are:

Itchy, pink, red, shiny nipples (which may crack) (Note that soft, pink nipples can also be a sign of an infection, also known as dermatitis. dermatologist to be diagnosed and treated).

Throbbing pain in the chest during and after feeding.

Fungal infections in the genital area

With a thrush, some young children will have symptoms, but older children may not. Symptoms include:

• Babies have white patches on the inside of their lips and cheeks that look like milk residue or fade, but are difficult to wash off. If you only see a white layer on your tongue, it's probably the milk residue.

Babies cry while breastfeeding, bottle or suck on a pacifier. The aforementioned patches can cause pain and discomfort to suckle if the infection is severe.

Babies have bright red or dark red diaper patches on the skin that are separate from the surrounding skin. Small red spots usually appear around the edge of the darkest part. The affected areas are red in color and can be tender or painful, and the pubic area can spread to the folds of the skin around the genitals and legs but almost never appear on the buttocks.

What should mothers do when a child has a thrush - a fungal infection?
If you suspect your child has thrush - a fungal infection, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. If the treatment is effective, it only takes a few days to cure the root. You and your baby need to be treated at the same time.

You may be advised to apply an anti-fungal cream like Nystatin to your nipples to kill the fungus on your breasts to keep you from passing the fungus to each other. Or your doctor will recommend applying over-the-counter antifungal creams like Lotrimin or Monistat to your nipples after each feed for a week to ten days. If pain persists after using the above creams, a stronger antifungal medicine such as Diflucan may be required.

To relieve throbbing pain (if any) in your chest, you can take 600mg of ibuprofen every six hours (maximum 1,200mg in 24 hours) until treatments start to work.

To treat a fungal infection for your baby, your pediatrician may prescribe Nystatin. You will apply this medication on white patches several times a day, lasting for ten days. Be sure to apply Nystatin after feeding to keep the medicine in your baby's mouth longer. Completely recovery can take up to a week.

If symptoms of thrush - the fungal infection persists, call your doctor. In some babies, the fungus will attack the diaper rash. If that happens, your doctor may prescribe an anti-fungal cream to apply to the area of ​​the skin that is in contact with the diaper.

Also wash toys, nipples and breast pump parts and sterilize them by machine or boil them for 20 minutes after each use so that your baby does not become infected again. You should also wash your hands often, especially after breastfeeding.

You can add lactobacillus acidophilus to your meal to boost the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract to control fungus. Buy yogurts that contain lactobacillus acidophilus or as a supplement in tablets (40 million units per day). Exposing your breasts to sunlight and letting your nipples air-dry can also help.

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