Baby development from 18 to 24 months old

This is a very interesting period for both parents and baby because the baby will begin to speak and talk a lot. Furthermore, children begin to imagine and "pretend". This is a big step in your baby's development, making life more interesting and joyful.

Baby development from 18 to 24 months old

One of the highlights in your baby's development at this stage is that he begins to imagine


Baby know what to do, Mother handles it

Every day I learn many new words.


You can say 50 to 100 new words before turning 2 years old.

I even know how to put 2 words together to form a complete sentence.

Turn your baby's words or phrases into one complete sentence. For example, when your baby says "Milk", you could repeat your baby's idea with: "I want to drink breastmilk".


When reading a picture to your baby, parents can read and talk to them about the story's content, such as asking questions about pictures, animals, colors in the story

Children need guidance from their parents to learn to control themselves.

I know I'm not allowed to do something (crawl out of the house, play knives, scissors ...) but I still can't control my emotions and actions.

I will cry, "make me dance" when I can't do something. Parents, please be more patient with me!

Turn your baby's emotions into words. I know you're not happy when I turn off the TV. But it's dark now, we're going to sleep. Or is our mother and child reading the story for a bit before going to bed?

I begin to imagine

I know "pretend" to feed a doll, just like when mom feeds me.

When playing with a toy car, I know "fake voice" the sound of the engine running "bruhm bromm"

Be sure to "pretend" when playing with your baby. You can "pretend" to be a puppy, know how to bark, and run after a rolling ball.

Create conditions for your baby's imagination to develop with toys such as clothes for dolls, toy animals, assembly blocks, toy sales.

You are a "child" scientist, always love to experiment and explore!

I like folding and unfolding, closing and opening to see how things work.

I also know how to classify objects by color, shape, size ... I know how to arrange trains to separate from cars.

Help your baby practice sorting and classifying. For example, when sorting clothes, parents can show the child how to classify clothes to separate a pile and socks to separate into another pile.

Encourage your baby to explore the world around him. Children can play outdoor sand play (mix sand with water, compress into a mold and then take out to make cakes) ...

You can handle the situation more skillfully than before

I can blow the food cool when she says it is hot or I can put on a jacket.

Help your baby handle the situation, avoid making baby change. The more babies do, the more they learn.

Playing games takes problem-solving skills. For example, give your child assembled blocks to build a high-rise house or play a puzzle with 3-4 puzzles.


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Real life superman rescued a baby from the 12th floor of the apartment building

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