Babies often stiffen, what should the mother do?

The fact that the baby or the stiffening body makes many mothers have to panic and fear because the situation persists. But is it really serious to be young or stiff?


What is the cause of baby or stiffness?

Babies tend to be stiff, what is the solution?

Most mothers really want to find out why babies cry hard, sometimes stop crying and mothers are also worried about whether this situation affects the health or the development of the baby or not.

According to pediatricians, this is a fairly common phenomenon in a baby after birth , and almost every baby will experience it with different reasons and different levels. So, mothers do not worry too much about this situation, but find out why.


What is the cause of baby or stiffness?

Babies can suffer from this condition for many different reasons. The most common of these are the following:


External impact

First, there can be external factors that make the baby cry hard. It could be ambient noise, light, an uncomfortable sleeping area, or maybe a child is hungry, has trouble urinating, wants to go hard, or clothes or diapers are uncomfortable.

It is these external effects that can cause babies to stiffen up and cry out loud. Therefore, mothers should check carefully before finding out other causes.

Babies often stiffen, what should the mother do?

Babies tend to be stiff, a common infant phenomenon

Child physiology

The stiffness of the child is a very normal thing because this is a natural physiological manifestation of the neuromuscular activity in the child. Usually, babies often stiffen within 3-5 minutes and then go away on their own.

If during the process of stiffening, the baby keeps crying, vomiting, and even in a long time the baby is slow to develop, picky eats, the advice for mothers is to bring the baby to the doctor as soon as possible so that the baby can develop show the cause in time.

Children lack calcium

This can also be one of the causes of the baby's body stiffness that mothers should also pay attention to. As mothers know, Calcium is one of the essential substances for the development of babies .

Babies often stiffen, what should the mother do?

Lack of calcium can be one of the reasons why babies tend to be stiff

So why lack of calcium causes children to have limbs or limbs? Calcium has a particularly great function for the human body, especially in infants, it plays a role in nerve transmission.

When a child lacks calcium, the working capacity of the nervous system will weaken, leading to reduced productivity or confusion. Therefore, the phenomenon of stiffening babies is also caused by a disorder of the child's nervous system due to lack of calcium.

Some other diseases

In addition, mothers should also pay attention to a number of other diseases that make children uncomfortable, cry hard. For example, skin conditions that cause itching, injury, or insect bites.

You know, the baby's skin is very sensitive; Therefore, when there is an itching or burning sensation, the child will be very uncomfortable, mothers often notice.

Babies often stiffen, what should the mother do?

Symptoms of a baby falling head back that parents must know During the first few months of life, sometimes the trauma caused by negligence when a baby falls on the back head dangerously affects the baby's health. Parents need to learn how to recognize a safe or dangerous situation in order to have a timely response to that fall.


Babies tend to be stiff, what is the solution?

A note that mothers can grasp the situation and the solution is to monitor the child's stiffening process. How long the child or limb spasticity lasts for how long.

During that time the baby has any signs and any special signs, and the baby lasts such a long time.

Firstly, if the child has spasticity in his limbs, the mother should pay attention to external factors. Mom should check to see if your child's sleeping place is comfortable or not, the light is okay or not, the surroundings are noisy or not.

You should also see if your child is comfortable with the diapers and the clothes they are using, and if their skin is hurting, itching or not.

If your child has stiffness, the mother should take the time to review the baby's menu, see if the body is provided with enough nutrients, especially Calcium or not.

Mom must also know how to balance the baby's daily menu to ensure that other nutrients are also indispensable.

If the condition continues to persist, plus the baby keeps crying, or vomiting, and developmental delay, mothers should bring the baby to the doctor as soon as possible to know the true cause of this condition.

The above are some of the causes of baby's stiffness and solutions to overcome that mothers, or parents can refer to if their baby has a similar situation.

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