8-week-old infant and babys second intellectual development milestone

Week 8 is one of "wonder weeks", is the time when the baby undergoes a new step of mental and intellectual development. At the second milestone in life, the baby begins to string the surrounding world into certain models and formulas.


What happened in wonder week 8?

Help your child overcome the "storm" wonder week 8

What happened in wonder week 8?

Somewhere around the 8th week, baby will begin to perceive the world around in a new dimension. Babies are discovering how the world around them and their own bodies function in the most primitive way.

With this intellectual development milestone, mothers will see that the baby is more actively using his senses than before. Babies spend hours and hours practicing using their arms and legs, and spending a lot of time practicing controlling the postures of these two organs.


The baby will also love to explore the tiny movements of the world around them, such as how light can create shadows on the crib every morning or details on the cans of canned goods that mothers buy. .


Babies also begin to emit the first eerie sounds, though only short and infrequently. During this time, babies also begin to separate themselves and the world around them.

8-week-old infant and baby's second intellectual development milestone

Not only exploring the world around them, 8-week-old babies are also eagerly exploring their own bodies

Any of the above signs will signal to you that your baby is undergoing great mental and intellectual changes. This will come completely naturally, regardless of whether or not you support your baby. But just like the first milestone, learning new things for your baby is not easy either.

Help your child overcome the "storm" wonder week 8

Like any other intellectual development milestone, 8-week-old babies experience periods of beautiful sunshine and "storms". Your baby will require more attention, crying, clinging and irritability. I will see that your baby doesn't like tuti like before.

All of the Wonder Week 8 expressions left the mother affected and inevitably feeling down. But everything has its end. Just stay calm and go through these changes with love.

8-week-old infant and baby's second intellectual development milestone

Getting to know your baby's intellectual development weeks In the period before 20 months of age, most babies go through the same weeks of intellectual development. These intellectual development milestones were called "Magic Week" by two famous researchers Hetty van de Rijt and Frans X. Plooij - The Wonder weeks


Some suggestions for mom when you are in wonder week 8:

Put yourself in your baby's shoes: Think how unfamiliar the world is to your baby, with sensory development only at 2 months of age, what can you do?

Encourage your baby: During this week 8 wonder week, your baby experiences more use of his senses. You can encourage your baby by letting your baby play with colorful toys, letting him try different materials, not preventing him from exploring his or her body (like sucking fingers) ...

Talk to your baby: Did you see your baby begin to babble first sounds like “uh”, “a”? Have fun responding to your baby and you can start a fun conversation.

Playing with children: Of course, games always bring many benefits to young children.

Calmly handle fussy situations: Babies just want to be comforted and more helpful, mothers don't need to worry too much. If you are tired of always watching the baby closely, you can give yourself some time to rest.


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