In order for newborn babies to have the best physical and mental health from the very beginning, parents do not forget the following basic principles.
1. Always remember to keep it clean
When taking care of a newborn , parents and caregivers must always keep themselves and the environment clean. Always wash your hands with soap or an antiseptic before handling, caring for or feeding your baby. Always clean the house, wash clothes and wash baby's bottles and toys ... Hygiene is always appreciated because babies are at risk of infection much more than adults.
Taking care of a new baby is quite challenging for fathers and mothers
2. Lift and hold the baby properly
One mother's hand should support the baby's head and neck, while the other hand should support the buttocks. If you are taking your baby out in a carrier or stroller, always make sure your baby is firmly protected by following the safety guidelines set forth by the manufacturer. Absolutely not shake the baby . However, mothers can swing very gently when holding the baby in their arms.
3. Decide the type of diaper to use
A newborn baby usually wets or soils diapers at least 10 times a day. So always make sure moms have spare diapers at home. When using diapers, moms remember to keep the buttocks, groin and diaper areas dry because the baby can get diaper rash if the diaper area is wet and airy. In addition, use non-alcoholic wet wipes and diaper rash cream recommended by physicians.
7 steps to choosing diapers for babies No one can deny the convenience of diapers and the way they make the lives of mothers so much easier. But how do you choose the right diapers among a branded jungle when they all claim to be number one? Learn the secrets of how to choose diapers like a pro!
4. Breastfeeding must always accompany belching
In a few days, the mother will remember the signs when the baby is hungry. According to experts, mothers should only breastfeed when the baby is hungry, but should not let the baby be hungry for too long. Let's see if the baby shows signs such as becoming confused, putting his hand in his mouth, crying and looking for the breast.
Along with breastfeeding, mothers always remember to burp the baby to avoid bloating after each feeding.
5. Sleep is the most important activity for your baby
To develop well, every day your mom needs to sleep from 12 to 16 hours. Mom should keep the room cool, ventilated and quiet for the baby to sleep well. Lullaby songs and gentle swinging movements will also help your baby fall asleep quickly.
6. Learn to comfort your baby
To help your baby stop crying, learn to understand the reasons behind his crying. One of the most common causes is that your baby has bloating, so burp your baby often, even if it doesn't seem necessary.
Wrapping your baby in a towel, gently cooing to your baby, letting her listen to music, singing lullabies ... are effective ways to comfort your baby during wet crunch.
11 ways to comfort your baby When your baby cries One of the least lovable moments a little angel is when the baby cries. How do you ease these sulk in the simplest way? Here are 11 easy to use tips to calm your baby for mothers.
7. Keep calm
There is nothing to be angry or scared by when the mother can't control the baby's actions. Keep yourself happy to enjoy every moment in your new role. Besides, please ignore any untimely and unwanted advice.
8. Don't be afraid to seek help
The tips of breastfeeding, balancing the baby's sleep time or nursing tips from experienced people will be very good for parents in the first step. If possible, parents can hire a full-time maid to support themselves during their child's early months.
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