5 surprising facts about breast milk may not be known

Colostrum not only helps babies feel the first "golden drops" from the mother but also enhances antibodies for the baby in the first days of familiarizing with the new environment.


1. Born before the baby is born

2. The first shot of the vaccine in the child's life

3. Laxative support and jaundice prevention

4. The truth about colostrum: Supports the digestive system

5. Perfect gut coating

The mother's milk glands are "awakened" around 14 weeks of pregnancy. And in your third trimester , you'll see some leaking colostrum signaling the start of breastfeeding. This first line of milk is likened to precious gold drops by scientists. Let's find out interesting things about this wonderful source of nutrition!

5 surprising facts about breast milk may not be known

The earlier you feed your baby, the easier it is to call for more colostrum

1. Born before the baby is born

One of the interesting things about breast milk is that it is not only during breastfeeding that your body produces milk. Around the 28th week of pregnancy , colostrum is ready for your baby feeding journey. You can easily recognize these precious gold drops through the oozing of milk at the nipple.


In addition, the color and density of colostrum mothers will be different. However, you do not need to worry too much because external impressions do not really reflect the quality of milk.


2. The first shot of the vaccine in the child's life

Colostrum is also compared with scientists as the first vaccine for infants . Because these gold droplets contain many antibodies and growth factors will create a barrier to protect the baby's body from the attack of viruses, bacteria and pathogens.

In addition, globulin antibodies together with adult immune cells of the mother will promote and promote the effect of strengthening the immune system for the baby. This will help your baby avoid the attack of harmful germs for the throat, lungs and digestive system.

3. Laxative support and jaundice prevention

Nutrition experts recommend that after birth , babies under 6 months old should be fed exclusively with breast milk. Colostrum acts as an invaluable source of nutrients for your baby's needs.

5 surprising facts about breast milk may not be known

Colostrum also helps limit the risk of jaundice in babies

These "golden drops", although rich in nutrients but contain less fat, will help the angels to stimulate the digestive system to easily excrete mecon, good for laxative. Moreover, colostrum also supports the elimination of bilirubin - the cause of jaundice in babies.

5 surprising facts about breast milk may not be known

All the Jaundice in Newborn Babies Jaundice is a common disease in most newborn babies. Symptoms of neonatal jaundice usually appear 2 to 3 days after birth and can go away on their own if the mother takes care of the baby properly.


4. The truth about colostrum: Supports the digestive system

Once born, your baby cannot absorb any foods other than breast milk. At this time, the first source of milk carries the mission of providing energy and nutrition for the little angels.

Colostrum milk leachates contain 3 times higher protein content than milk wall with the advantage of low lactose, fat (2g / 100ml). This will help the newborn baby easily absorb nutrients and support the baby's immature digestive system.

5. Perfect gut coating

The advice of nutritionists for babies after birth is to breastfeed as soon as possible. Because the baby will be coated with colostrum, this coating will help seal the intestinal lining, preventing intestinal penetration. At the same time, the precious gold drops will help the digestive tract of the little angels to have a good bacteria and anti-diarrhea system.

Therefore, when your baby is just born, mothers should not use cooled boiled water, sugar water or licorice juice to rinse the baby according to folk experience. At this time, babies need to drink colostrum as soon as possible because not only protects the digestive system in the first months of life but also helps the baby stay healthy in the future, mom!

5 surprising facts about breast milk may not be known

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