4 simple ways to burn babies to keep them safe

In folklore, there are always tales about good and evil. Since then, the way of burning for babies has also been passed down by mouth through each generation. How bad is this?


How to avoid babies in folk and scientific conceptions

Folk say:

Scientific explanation:

4 ways to burn babies according to folk tips

Hang garlic in front of the window

Keep cutlery on the bedside

Hang fresh strawberries at the top of the door

Burning bodhi

According to folk interpretation, if a child encounters a bad situation, he or she will immediately cry and be upset, maybe even "act" his parents all night. Only when performing the correct methods of burning for babies will the baby be safe again.

Mother must have heard stories with contents such as letting a baby go at night to bring garlic, crying because meeting strangers is evil ... There is no scientific basis that babies cry overnight due to meeting. heavy people but there is no evidence to deny this.


4 simple ways to burn babies to keep them safe

Babies who cry through the night are most likely to be "teased".

How to avoid babies in folk and scientific conceptions

Folk say:

These days, not many mothers believe in ghosts or ghosts but are still afraid to let babies go out at night, especially when they return to the nursery. That is why the elderly often do not let babies go out after sunset.


After giving birth, the mother and baby often "hold up" quite carefully, stay up to 3 months and 10 days. Most babies avoid meeting strangers or people who are supposed to be evil. If unfortunately at the same time someone came to play at home, that night the baby cried, the family often started burning for the child. In rare cases, because babies are too scared or have epilepsy, they may be lost, turn silly, sleep or startle.

Scientific explanation:

From a modern perspective, scientists believe that the severe phenomenon in babies is due to their weak resistance . Therefore, the baby's body is easily penetrated by bad gas, making him feel insecure and cry a lot at night.

It is not excluded that by many people embracing, the baby's energy field is constantly disturbed, disrupting the energy balance and leading to the baby being fussy and unable to hold back. It is also possible that the baby is tired by bacteria or viruses.

4 simple ways to burn babies to keep them safe

5 ways to strengthen the baby's immune system. Keep the environment clean, keep the baby's body warm, and do not let the baby eat or drink cold drinks. Nutritional supplement to strengthen children resistance.


4 ways to burn babies according to folk tips

The ways to avoid giving birth to babies according to the word of mouth of old grandparents are quite simple and do not affect the health of both mother and baby. If you feel uncomfortable, you can do it by the following ways:

Hang garlic in front of the window

If you feel that the baby is crying and teasing, the mother uses the garlic in the head of the baby's bed (crib) or the window. Folk believe that the devil is afraid of garlic. This way will help chase away the devil to help your baby sleep.

Keep cutlery on the bedside

Even adults who are weak and not good at sleep should leave their skin and pull the head of the bed to ward off evil spirits. Being flexible when applying this method to a midnight crying baby is also very good.

Hang fresh strawberries at the top of the door

Cut off a branch of fresh oil hanging in front of the bedroom door or plant a compassion tree (a chrysanthemum tree) indoors or take a fresh strawberry branch to finish pee in urine and put it in the door. If the baby cries at night, the mother will hold the scene of the strawberries burst into the surrounding air, both out of the blue, and out of the door. This will help your baby sleep better.

Burning bodhi

Use 1 wickerwork and 3 prickly thorns hanging in the middle of the window. Next, put in a pot of charcoal to burn and put 3-4 fruits in a pot to inhale all the negative air and toxic gas in the house and expel the dead to help your child sleep better.

In addition, mothers can use some other tips to avoid evil spirits:

Use black pants of an elderly woman's black pants to keep the head of the bed, or brush someone's hair and stroke the child.

Use old conical hats, torn and burned to ash. Mom holds the baby and steps back and forth, 7 times for a boy, and 9 for girls

Take the burned paper, then send it to the baby or someone who went home from the funeral has not been on the fire but has held the baby.

When your baby falls off the umbilical cord, keep the umbilical cord to hang on the window so that visitors will not be afraid of being held by.

The chopsticks break into 9 or 7 and burn

The way of burning for a newborn can be flexible according to the concept of each family. However, mothers should not put absolute faith in this method. Most likely, the fussy baby is caused by a calcium deficiency problem, or disease. See a medical doctor if the condition persists!

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